Union trouble

Can a union go on strike in favour of a worker who has been suspended pending enquiries by the police? Rumour and its is only a rumour is that he has had his computer impounded by plod (judge what you will).
My question is being agency why did the company do it as in innocent until guilty etc and the likelyhood of there being a strike.

Anyone going on strike to support a work colleague who has been arrested or charged for something you are not sure what will do you no favours if he turns out to be Peter Sutcliffe or Ian Huntley.

I still do not believe we live in a police state and I also believe that the police do not take computers away simply to check your ebay profile

As yet the computer business is a rumour but i dont know how the company confirmed this etc enough to suspend him.
Im being selfish but i dont care cos if the union walk out i will have to stay out to. They will get strke pay i will get nothing.

i would say keep your nose out of what does not concern you

it does concern me if they strike as i wont be crossing the picket line so i wont bet getting wages.

So ask the agency for a different placement if they strike . Highly unlikely the union would back strike action .
Confiscated computers normally mean one thing . I would imagine the union will want no involvement.

a similar case in my area 3 years ago.
a union member was dismissed for having child ■■■■ in his locker… the union whilst maintaining his legal rights did nothing else.
Besides which , a union does not call its members out on strike nowadays, it is the members who ballot to go on strike.

With any industrial action the union has to make it official and to do that the district official has to be involved in the negotiations.
If he/she thinks that you have a good case then a secret ballot has to be held and then if the outcome is for a strike then it is up to the members what action to take.
An all out strike is usually the last resort and the union will usually recommend a series of 24 hour strikes or a work to rule, depending on how much the company is dragging it’s feet.
If you walk out without the unions backing (a wildcat strike or an unofficial strike) then this leaves you wide open to all kinds of action by the company.
I don’t know the full details of this case but in my experience of industrial action (and believe me I have a lot) it would be doubtful that the union would make it official while the member was suspended on full pay, they would only act on the outcome of the enquiry

Big Roy:
With any industrial action the union has to make it official and to do that the district official has to be involved in the negotiations.
If he/she thinks that you have a good case then a secret ballot has to be held and then if the outcome is for a strike then it is up to the members what action to take.
An all out strike is usually the last resort and the union will usually recommend a series of 24 hour strikes or a work to rule, depending on how much the company is dragging it’s feet.
If you walk out without the unions backing (a wildcat strike or an unofficial strike) then this leaves you wide open to all kinds of action by the company.

Absolutely correct!

As an ex-Shop Steward myself , I can tell you that all members (drivers) need to be made aware of ALL the facts before any strike action is considered.
On top of that - you need to give the company reasonable notice(usually two weeks) of the action you’re all taking or the union themselves will not back you up! Certainly that’s how it works with the TGWU.
Oh…and one more thing - members do not get paid whilst out on strike!
In other words - everyone has to be committed to the “cause”!

This is a police matter, in it’s early stages - it’s not something drivers should be concering themselves with right now.

Sorry - double post!

This is a police matter, in it’s early stages - it’s not something drivers should be concering themselves with right now.

exactly!! especially an agency person with only his/her interests in mind…official action is taken usually by staff members for staff members (with union organisation)…neither of which you appear to be…temp hired help should keep stum with there opinions on anything like this.

Even agency drivers can have opinions esp on here.