Unilever (Stobarts)

Is it true that the mentioned are taking over form Wincanton at Unilever in Runcorn… The reason i ask is i hear all the drivrs are transfering over to Wincanton at co-op/somrfield at Lea green… So the positions avilable are slowly dropping… Oh i dont know!!! im never gonna get a full time friggin job!!!

Is it true that the mentioned are taking over form Wincanton at Unilever in Runcorn… The reason i ask is i hear all the drivrs are transfering over to Wincanton at co-op/somrfield at Lea green… So the positions avilable are slowly dropping… Oh i dont know!!! im never gonna get a full time friggin job!!!

I heard that wincanton has lost the Unilever contract nationwide,not just at Runcorn.

Yes stobarts are doing the unilever work out of all depots includeing runcorn as from monday there will be no wincanton vehicles baised at preston brook! i work for another haulier on the unilever contract doing the goods into preston brook! most of the wincanton drivers have transfered to GSK at middlewich only 1 or 2 have gone elsewhere hope this helps

Cannot see how any drivers can transfer to lea green as we have no work whatsoever, wed thurs fri we normally have 25-35 drivers sat around doing nothing, getting a bit desperate to be honest and they say we are losing the north east work so we can include monday and saturday in that equation soon. It seems wincanton have lost a few contracts lately (hope they lose this one cos they are a s–t company to work for).