
huffingtonpost.co.uk/2011/12 … d=webmail1

Can you imagine the uproar if this was the other way around… does this mean anybody that causes a nuisance when or a fight when they are drunk can get away with it by saying their not used to drinking… i dont think so…

During the trial the court heard that Ambaro Maxamed called Page a “white ■■■■■” then pulled the hair, forcing her to the floor.

The judge decided that the attack was not racially motivated.

Quite right too, how dare people say this black sandwog was racist? :wink:

One rule for them, another rule for us. :confused:

The country is finished for us. If you have kids and care about them, seriously, get them used to the idea of getting out of here ASAP!

Now we know what the Somalian slags get up to while their men are hijacking ships for ransom.
They should be returned to that lawless excuse of a country immediately. :imp:

The country is finished for us. If you have kids and care about them, seriously, get them used to the idea of getting out of here ASAP!

Better watch out, one or two of the guys here would tell you to leave the country for saying this country is the pits and gone to ruin

But youre right, This country has gone right down, Cant do this cant do that, If this attack was the other way around, those girls would be locked up or the Muslims would of been out on the street rioting or shouting racist attack

As soon as I have finished a few projects andgot the Mrs to see sense, they won’t have the chance to tell me to go. I’ll be out of here like a shot.

I was actuaslly thinking of turning up at Dover one day and claiming Political asylum, claiming danger in returning to my home country as it had a regime in place for mass genocide. It’s called the NHS.

Harry Monk:

During the trial the court heard that Ambaro Maxamed called Page a “white ■■■■■” then pulled the hair, forcing her to the floor.

The judge decided that the attack was not racially motivated.

Quite right too, how dare people say this black sandwog was racist? :wink:

One rule for them, another rule for us. :confused:

The surprising thing is that the judge didn’t order a retrial with ‘new forensic evidence’ showing that it was actually a racially motivated attack carried out single handed against Ambaro Maxamed and her tribe who then fought back in self defence.

What a freakin’ surprise - no comments allowed on the news report about a story where 4 sand kicking drunken slags attacked a white female… :imp: