Unauthorised daily rest at Tesco RDC

Im currently at a Tesco RDC after running out of time. I arrived at 19.25 for a 19.00 booking (on time). I was given a bay and entered into a period of availability (on bay waiting for unloading etc) at 19.54. At 21.45 I explained to the charge hand that I realised they were busy but to take note I only had an hour of time left. I reiterated the point at 22.15 and was told they were checking the load. 20 minutes to go I reminded the lady I was very short on time and she went to see what was happening. She returned to tell me they only had 4 pallets left to be checked and it would be 5 mins. 22.35 I told her I would now either have to move my truck off site or stay on site. She disappeared into the warehouse and did not reappear. 3 minutes to go before my 15 hour spread is over I asked another lady to give me my keys back to change my tacho from POA to break as I legally had to stop work. She said I cant give you the keys back as the electronic key system wont let me whilst your bay has a red light as you are being unloaded. I pointed out that 25 minutes earlier my load was being checked and that they would have to stop unloading me and give my bay a green light in order to release my keys. Turning stroppy she told a guy to go and see what was happening to which I replied no, stop whats happening if its not done and get my keys back to me. He disappears and comes back with my notes at 22.53. Im now 5 mins over my time and still have to get my keys. The girl does not like me pushing her for my key return. Thinking I am over my time anyway I pulled off the bay so as to not give them any ammunition that I was anything other than helpful and polite to them and to park in a quiet space. This practice is a joke now. I think I will ring VOSA for advice in what to do as they were in no uncertain terms aware of my predicament. Now whilst vosa would probably overlook this infringement as they can see my poa and quick movement and I also have the printed receipt from the notes stating time of signing the job off, I would like to know who can complain to these idiots and give them something to worry about as regards having consequences to their actions as through their actions and no fault of drivers they are getting us into trouble with illegal tacho cards. Not giving the keys back is probably theft, however, I wasnt going to start wasting police time over something they probably wouldnt do anything about. Ah well…bedtime

Im currently at a Tesco RDC after running out of time. I arrived at 19.25 for a 19.00 booking (on time). I was given a bay and entered into a period of availability (on bay waiting for unloading etc) at 19.54. At 21.45 I explained to the charge hand that I realised they were busy but to take note I only had an hour of time left. I reiterated the point at 22.15 and was told they were checking the load. 20 minutes to go I reminded the lady I was very short on time and she went to see what was happening. She returned to tell me they only had 4 pallets left to be checked and it would be 5 mins. 22.35 I told her I would now either have to move my truck off site or stay on site. She disappeared into the warehouse and did not reappear. 3 minutes to go before my 15 hour spread is over I asked another lady to give me my keys back to change my tacho from POA to break as I legally had to stop work. She said I cant give you the keys back as the electronic key system wont let me whilst your bay has a red light as you are being unloaded. I pointed out that 25 minutes earlier my load was being checked and that they would have to stop unloading me and give my bay a green light in order to release my keys. Turning stroppy she told a guy to go and see what was happening to which I replied no, stop whats happening if its not done and get my keys back to me. He disappears and comes back with my notes at 22.53. Im now 5 mins over my time and still have to get my keys. The girl does not like me pushing her for my key return. Thinking I am over my time anyway I pulled off the bay so as to not give them any ammunition that I was anything other than helpful and polite to them and to park in a quiet space. This practice is a joke now. I think I will ring VOSA for advice in what to do as they were in no uncertain terms aware of my predicament. Now whilst vosa would probably overlook this infringement as they can see my poa and quick movement and I also have the printed receipt from the notes stating time of signing the job off, I would like to know who can complain to these idiots and give them something to worry about as regards having consequences to their actions as through their actions and no fault of drivers they are getting us into trouble with illegal tacho cards. Not giving the keys back is probably theft, however, I wasnt going to start wasting police time over something they probably wouldnt do anything about. Ah well…bedtime

I sympathise with you. The only thing i see wrong here or lacking is that somehow your employer hasn’t been mentioned. I don’t mean you havn’t named them, i mean you havn’t contacted them or mentioned it as its them who are actually responsible for your working time. How come you never contacted your employer to let them know ? Thats the first question VOSA will ask you so i’d think carefully before ringing them.

Probably because our colleague in distress knows that there isn’t much his/her employer can do about it. Tesco do what they like & they’ve made that public, it’s their site after all…

Over to you peterm vvvvvvv :slight_smile:

Arisoles !

Your mistake was moving your vehicle regardless of the fact you were out of time. It is an offence to cause a driver to break the driver hour rules so you might have had a case there because whilst still on the bay you were also still working because they would not release your keys to you. This is where you could have got them good and proper should the authorities actually get off their arses and start applying the law to help us for a change as opposed to hindering us.

Tesco and other supermarkets need teaching a lesson in my opinion but us drivers are too polite and helpful, probably why they ■■■■ all over us.

Your mistake was moving your vehicle regardless of the fact you were out of time. It is an offence to cause a driver to break the driver hour rules so you might have had a case there because whilst still on the bay you were also still working because they would not release your keys to you. This is where you could have got them good and proper should the authorities actually get off their arses and start applying the law to help us for a change as opposed to hindering us.

Tesco and other supermarkets need teaching a lesson in my opinion but us drivers are too polite and helpful, probably why they [zb] all over us.

This ^

The only way they will learn is when they lose 4/5 or more bays constantly to trucks parked on rest.

For the time period where you couldn’t get your keys back - written entry on back of tachometer print with names of goods in staff if possible stating the times you attempted to get keys back.

Never give them the real keys do you?



Not quite the same, but the principle is the same. Agency 15 hr day for Tesco. After struggling on a very busy evening to find somewhere to drop the trailer and then park the unit, time was very tight. So at 14hrs 50 minutes handed in paperwork and keys. Normal procedure is then to wait until the fuel key allocated for agency use becomes available. A ‘discussion’ then ensued with the traffic clerk etc about whether I was going to diesel up the unit which would have probably taken me up to about 15hrs 15 or probably longer. Meanwhile I was advised that it would be in my best interests to co-operate by several company drivers, who were sitting around waiting for something to do.

Yes you are right regarding me moving the vehicle but once they refused to return my keys then I over ran my spread, there was no point in me not moving as the damage was done.

Im on agency for stobarts (probably change a few opinions haha). My phone died around 9pm. I do have Isotrak in the cab but was unable to contact anybody as 1. The cab was locked and 2. It only works with the ignition on anyway !!!

The point im trying to make is that through no fault of my own this lot have screwed me over. I made them aware in plenty of time and plenty of times that I was running out of time due to their delays in unloading etc. I asked politely for the keys etc. but now I have a card that when checked will show an infringement and (probably wont) could be done for ! Yet the people responsible for it are culpable for nothing. No wonder they dont care. If it can be proven like this can, then these people should be charged with an offence. Tescos system of unloading and key holding obviously has major flaws. They will say I never allowed enough time for unloading but 3 hours 20 minutes late in the evening is kore than reasonable to me !!! Thanks for replies guys.

Thing is there IS a point in you not moving the vehicle. It causes an issue for tesco brought about by their own action/inaction. If they get away with it which they did in your case and many others they will just keep treating everyone the same.

I ain’t blaming you and can understand why you did (especially being in agency, so as to keep on that contract maybe?) but if it happened to me nowadays I like to think I would stick to my guns.

They want it moving? They should have thought about that when you started warning them multiple times.

**Peirres RDC rule #1:** IF youve been sat waiting some considerable time at an RDC, within 2-3hrs of you running out of time (but no less than 2hrs), lie to them (the RDC staff) and tell then you have less than 1hr left to pull off the bay before you run out of time, leaving you a 1hr+ margin to find somewhere (legally) safe to park.

Too often Ive seen drivers at RDCs literally let themselves run out of time, using a bit of poetic licence/BS will save you heaps of trouble

I thought Stobbarts just droped a trailer and picked one up at Tesco or was it a Stobbart trailer and an outside load you had bought in?

The best plan of action is to always give yourself 30mins. That way you’ll aviod situations like this…

The best plan of action is to always give yourself 30mins. That way you’ll aviod situations like this…

I don’t understand what you mean by “give yourself 30 minutes”, the op gave himself over 3 hours! He also repeatedly informed them he was approaching the legal limit of his shift yet they still refused to return his keys. What more could he have done?

In a situation like this I personally would’ve refused to move off the bay and once I had my keys back I’dve ended my shift with the tacho and done a print out stating why I had exceeded my duty time and then would’ve pulled my curtains whilst waiting for a VOSA helicopter to land (quietly so as not to disturb my rest) and get busy with whatever colour chalk is flavour of the month this month.

This happened to me last year.
When I got tipped and my keys came back I was 50 mins over my time.
I got away and parked up 15 mins later,
The next day I was pulled by vosa, oh ■■■■.
The vosa man said not to worry and sent me on my way.

So don’t worry. FFs.

This happened to me last year.
When I got tipped and my keys came back I was 50 mins over my time.
I got away and parked up 15 mins later,
The next day I was pulled by vosa, oh [zb].
The vosa man said not to worry and sent me on my way.

So don’t worry. FFs.

A perfectly reasonable excuse here! ^^^
And if in Tossco always always get on there case about out of time! I used to do it as I handed them the keys! Obviously with an hour or so spare! :slight_smile:

There’s not much else you could’ve done, but like others have said, no way I’d have moved my truck after my 15hrs was up, not even 10’.

I’d have been kicking a song and dance at 14hr 30 though to get my keys back, I want a manager here now, I demand my keys and you WILL return them to me!!

Drivers (most) are getting too soft, but I’ll admit, I lose A LOT of jobs over my attitude because I will not be treated like crap, will not be spoken to like crap and will not break the law for anyone.

I was working for a firm local to me a few years ago, and I got back in the yard on 14hr 30 ish, so I said to the warehouse person “where you want the truck”, he said that I had to wait in the queue and unload it in the warehouse, to which I replied “I’m approaching my 15hr, legally I’m required to be parked up and finished duty before this happens so I will not be queuing and tipping the truck, now you can tell me where’s best for you to have it or I’ll choose where it goes, they’re your choices”.

They chose, I put trailer where they asked, dropped it, fueled unit and went home, next day I was in the office :unamused:

the maoster:
and get busy with whatever colour chalk is flavour of the month this month.


I doubt Vosa are going to bother harassing Tesco about drivers hours. The little man gets shafted, same, same.

Im currently at a Tesco RDC after running out of time.

I arrived at 19.25 for a 19.00 booking (on time). I was given a bay and entered into a period of availability (on bay waiting for unloading etc) at 19.54.

At 21.45 I explained to the charge hand that I realised they were busy but to take note I only had an hour of time left. I reiterated the point at 22.15 and was told they were checking the load.

20 minutes to go I reminded the lady I was very short on time and she went to see what was happening. She returned to tell me they only had 4 pallets left to be checked and it would be 5 mins.

22.35 I told her I would now either have to move my truck off site or stay on site. She disappeared into the warehouse and did not reappear.

3 minutes to go before my 15 hour spread is over I asked another lady to give me my keys back to change my tacho from POA to break as I legally had to stop work. She said I cant give you the keys back as the electronic key system wont let me whilst your bay has a red light as you are being unloaded. I pointed out that 25 minutes earlier my load was being checked and that they would have to stop unloading me and give my bay a green light in order to release my keys.

Turning stroppy she told a guy to go and see what was happening to which I replied no, stop whats happening if its not done and get my keys back to me. He disappears and comes back with my notes at 22.53. Im now 5 mins over my time and still have to get my keys.

The girl does not like me pushing her for my key return. Thinking I am over my time anyway I pulled off the bay so as to not give them any ammunition that I was anything other than helpful and polite to them and to park in a quiet space. This practice is a joke now.

I think I will ring VOSA for advice in what to do as they were in no uncertain terms aware of my predicament. Now whilst vosa would probably overlook this infringement as they can see my poa and quick movement and I also have the printed receipt from the notes stating time of signing the job off, I would like to know who can complain to these idiots and give them something to worry about as regards having consequences to their actions as through their actions and no fault of drivers they are getting us into trouble with illegal tacho cards.

Not giving the keys back is probably theft, however, I wasnt going to start wasting police time over something they probably wouldnt do anything about. Ah well…bedtime

Me thinks that either having a spare set of keys or not giving them the real set might be the way to go ■■