(un)/coupling tips?

@Juddian Thank you. What type of lube would you recommend?

You’re stood beside a 400 litre can of lubricant whenever you put the air lines on mate. Just dip the end into the fuel tank, wipe off the excess with a rag and you’re good to go.

@Juddian Thank you. What type of lube would you recommend?

Yup fuel would do the job fine as Maoster says.
I keep an aerosol can of light grease or chain lube in the side box, use that for most of my general lubing jobs, door hinges locks etc fith wheel clips you name it.

the maoster:
If dropping off a loaded trailer do the next driver a favour and DO NOT stow away the leg winding handle, leave it hanging loose pointing downwards.

Absolutely ! One of the many tips you learn from experience.