Umbrella scheme

Just been offered a new job trunking doing days,but its umbrella payroll £11.00 hr from what they are saying they charge me £40.00 a week for being on it is this right? :grimacing:

depends what you`re earning.i was charged 5% of my gross

depends what you`re earning.i was charged 5% of my gross
I think its terrible that we have to pay somebody to receive our wages or am i getting it wrong.

i was with nova last year they charged £35 per week rip off

One chap said to me you only get taxed om minimum wage and not the full 11.00 pound can’t see that,anyhow you chaps will know. :wink:

In a word…don’t!

One chap said to me you only get taxed om minimum wage and not the full 11.00 pound can’t see that,anyhow you chaps will know. :wink:

I was on umbrella scheme for just under 2 years, it was worth it for me as I had a 40 mile commute (each way) to work each day.

You get taxed on the difference between your agreed wages and whatever deductions have been made, mileage meal allowance etc.

Wasn’t there something on here about tax people clamping down on umbrella schemes?

i was with nova last year they charged £35 per week rip off

You’ve been had mate. I was with Nova last year and paid £15. I explained to them that I’d been in Umbrella and LTD schemes for years in my engineering work and they asked how much I paid. I told them £15 and straight away they said they’d match it.

Umbrella is just one big fiddle, the agency charge about £4 on each £10 you earn to cover there costs such as doing wages then the umbrella want paying to do the same job. Most thing you claim for on the umbrella scheme you can claim for yourself on agency PAYE.

Umbrella is just one big fiddle, the agency charge about £4 on each £10 you earn to cover there costs such as doing wages then the umbrella want paying to do the same job. Most thing you claim for on the umbrella scheme you can claim for yourself on agency PAYE.

true also alot of the 9pr hour you see for class 2 is umbrella theres some good but also some stinkers of agencys be polite with them in first place i had one agency that would say on a friday will let you no only get the monday morning barage of can you do this can you do that…gets on your ■■■■…the end of the day a agency is nothing without drivers yet the way some treat people is beyond believe…i state in the first place what i will and wont do and one of them is dont keep ringing over the weekend at least ■■■■ turpin wore a mask