Umbrella company - Am I being diddled?

Hi, anyone know how this umbrella company thing works with regards to pay, tax, N.I. etc. I can’t help feeling they’re diddling me. I have been doing a few jobs via an agency and when I get paid it’s via a payroll solutions company. On the pay sheet they send me the rate says e.g. £7.50 per hour but it’s worked out below at £6.19 per hour then made up to £7.50 with bonus/holiday pay etc. Is this right? I’ve contacted them but can’t get anywhere. If I’m being paid £6.19 that’s not £7.50 is it?! is anyone else paid this way? Any advice/help appreciated.

Yes they will have there fee in there somewhere, i am with Giant who do the same.

Hi, anyone know how this umbrella company thing works with regards to pay, tax, N.I. etc.

Any advice/help appreciated.

Hi Lou64,

The subject of umbrella pay comes up quite often in the main forum.

:bulb: To get the info you’re looking for, you could try a trawl through some of the posts after entering the word “umbrella” in the search box at the top of that forum.

If you post a question in that forum, I’m pretty sure that somebody can help you.

Thanks gents. x