Ultimate Griffin on BLB

Superb rig, superb colour,enjoy…anyone know where it was going?

Superb rig, superb colour,enjoy…anyone know where it was going?


I’ve got a picture of a dead horse in my wallet

A dead horse stole my wallet and then sent me a picture.

Superb rig, superb colour,enjoy…anyone know where it was going?

Seen him in UPS Tamworth pulling 45 foot trailers on euro trunks.

Thanks Andy,did wonder seen him running up and down through France regularly thought he was on his way to a show.

Superb rig, superb colour,enjoy…anyone know where it was going?

Is this code for ‘blinged up motor with an expensive paint job, suitable for self gratification but unknown destination’? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah but it’s Green. Nuff said.

And a long line cab… pulling 45foot trailers lol

Scania long line?

something like this flickr.com/photos/13716483@N07/5261011096/

May have seen that a year or more back ( or similar) and was painted up ’ Ultimate Longliner’ so guessing its changed hands…anyway, move along, nothing to see here!

See it on the M1 last week , must admit it did look rather nice !

I’ve overtaken him before on the M40 in my baby 500 so it can’t be that great :slight_smile:

The joy of the Longline is not it’s power,it’s looks or for their lovers a Scania ,the Longline rises above all other European trucks at the end of the day,when it is time to
relax,recover,prepare for the next day in pleasant humane surroundings.I like them,always have and some of the interiors are wild not that I would choose a white
interior or a Jacuzzi,or a cab done up as a disco but the French and Dutch do have a certain style we can only one day emulate.Great rig…but that’s just my opinion.

Are these (and Tcabs) not legal to pull 45ft trailers now that a conventional tractor unit can pull longer trailers?, 50ft or whatever they are.

That thing is a candidate for the ugliest truck anywhere!

It looks out of proportion (just about tolerable) and who on earth thought to paint it snot green■■?

Dear me… :open_mouth:

Snot green and a huge chrome angry chicken on the side haha

HA HA some ■■■■■■ has handed over his hard earned for that crap :laughing: :laughing:

Think i would prefer a day cab CF

Think i would prefer a day cab CF

Me too, the biggest bunk in the World is still smaller than my bedroom.

Typed sitting in my cab for the night…as usual :cry: