Ukraine [merged]

Would any of the Boris Johnson cheerleaders who praise his “leadership” on Ukraine and close relationship with its president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, care to explain why they maintain their disdain for the EU despite the clear advantages that Ukraine sees in becoming a member?

Would any of the Boris Johnson cheerleaders who praise his “leadership” on Ukraine and close relationship with its president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, care to explain why they maintain their disdain for the EU despite the clear advantages that Ukraine sees in becoming a member?

Strange how you selectively air brush out Nigel Farage’s position on all the issues ( NATO and EUSSR expansion ) which have created this lethal dangerous situation.
The truth is Boris is a closet false flag remainer and China appeaser just like Biden.Propping up the Chinese economy with cheap imports.
As for Zalensky the same Zalensky who has been as onside with the Chinese Communist regime as Putin, feeding and arming the PLA with Ukrainian food and raw materials exports.

News cycle gone very quiet on this war, which presumably means that Russia is making progress, the sanctions continue to force the West into a second lockdown, and the green agenda continues to be entirely ignored as the root cause of ALL of this, when you think about it.

If we still had oil, gas, and coal fire power stations - there wouldn’t be an energy shortage with it’s knock-on effects on our entire western economies, - would there?

Either abandon this daft proxy war with Putin’s Russia then, OR abandon the Paris Accord outright.

We’ve got rid of the PM compromised by his silly green missus, so why not go the whole hog?

Trouble with the “Leadership contest” though, is that all five of the remaining candidates - are compromised in some way.

Remainers, Not prepared to abandon Green agenda, not prepared to end austerity, not prepared to hold an immediate general election.

They are all preaching to the Choir, not the actual electorate that’ll judge them rather harshly, as they did Gordon Brown for not holding an immediate election after he assumed power from Blair in 2007.


Would any of the Boris Johnson cheerleaders who praise his “leadership” on Ukraine and close relationship with its president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, care to explain why they maintain their disdain for the EU despite the clear advantages that Ukraine sees in becoming a member?

Strange how you selectively air brush out Nigel Farage’s position on all the issues ( NATO and EUSSR expansion ) which have created this lethal dangerous situation.
The truth is Boris is a closet false flag remainer and China appeaser just like Biden.Propping up the Chinese economy with cheap imports.
As for Zalensky the same Zalensky who has been as onside with the Chinese Communist regime as Putin, feeding and arming the PLA with Ukrainian food and raw materials exports.

ALL western leaders are China Appeasers, as not a one of them as yet has come up with a scenario that cuts us off from borrowing ever more money from China every single month that goes by…

Imagine the austerity that would have to be bitten upon if our government suddenly decided to spend ONLY the tax take revenues, and nothing else. No more borrowing, no more national debt, old national debt - written off at that point.

China feared this enough from America under Trump (expert on “default”) to throw the proverbial kitchen sink at Trump’s America to get them back on the straight-and-narrow appeaser route.

Shame they couldn’t have done the same with regards to Russia, and simply let Ukraine go - but no.

Shortage of Energy - is going to end up killing millions more than Covid ever did around the entire world - in this country alone.

…And the worst is yet to come, of course… :frowning:

^ Agree with most of that Winseer.

The facts are Zalensky was/is backing the Chinese regime with raw materials and food exports.
The West is backing it with cash in payment for exports of cheap third rate products made by slave labour.
China was the clear winner of GW1 and 2 in the form of being the new main consumer of its oil resources.
China is predictably a solid ally of the Russian neo Communist regime Putin just being a convenient puppet of that.
China is the biggest winner in the west’s effective rationing if not banning of fossil fuel consumption IE it takes our share.Food resources will obviously be next.
Whatever is going on in Ukraine has to be seen in that light and bigger picture.It looks like we’re being set up for a false flag pretext and end game.
In which agenda 30 was always going to be the settlement conditions of a needless staged conventional confrontation, between Russia and NATO, in which China will be and is the intended power broker.
Which is why the British and US governments are now nothing but a bunch of incompetent puppets over seeing a foreign globalist Chinese run agenda.