UK LGV parking in park and ride car parks

Why do all the councils lock the gates on them at night when they could be used for truck parking.They would earn more revenue but we would have to vacate in the morning to let the punters in.
It seems a waste.The only problem is the litter and vandalism unless they will provide security and a loo open all night to prevent Truckers Tizer in the hedges.

You’ve answered your own question there Toby !

And would our caravan dwelling mob not move in?

That is why they lock the gates to keep the riff raff out.It could bring money in to towns when we park up and walk to eat or grab a take away.And someone wlll want to stay for 24 or 45 hour weekly rest.

Some of them have a height bar over the car park entrance to prevent anything taller than car entering. e.g. Chester is case in point, the park and ride and nearly every car park in town has a height bar. Only place I could find to park a minibus was the coach park which seemed crazy.

.It could bring money in to towns when we park up and walk to eat or grab a take away.

you’d need to catch a bus Toby, the park and rides are on the outskirts of towns :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Drivers would urinate on the tarmac and leave bags of rubbish & ■■■ behind. It would attract crime. Local nimbys would kick off.

Not worth the hassle.

Oh, and if they did provide toilets/facilities drivers would leave them in a ■■■■ state. Sad but true. Again, not worth the hassle.

That is true.A goods in guy told me a driver stuffed his Y fronts down their bog and blocked it.They had to shut the loo and hire a portaloo.A driver refused to use the portaloo and kicked off insisting they should supply proper toilets.

Also you may find the tarmac is not of the correct grade for hgvs to be parking/ turning on.

Probably the prevention of dogging and prostitution has something to do with it.
There is the problem of mixing dirty horrible lorry drivers with prostitutes. We all know how that will end.
Change gear, change gear, check mirror, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear, murder.

There are loads of second world war Usaf and Raf old airfields that could be used for parking.One of which is Marshalls transport yard at Pershore near Evesham.

There was a nice one in Taunton near the town centre but I think trucks can`t park there anymore :frowning:

There was a nice one in Taunton near the town centre but I think trucks can`t park there anymore :frowning:

Correct because they have built some offices/units on some of it. Some trucks still do park there though the last I knew.