It s rumoured they pay 130 euro per day.
more info,please…
Heritage and sister firm kingbrook pay 25k per year all in. That equates to about £420 pw in your pocket. not worth getting out of bed for to be away all week both advertising at the moment
DIXON, HERITAGE,NOONE,Heritage and sister firm kingbrook pay 25k per year all in. That equates to about £420 pw in your pocket. not worth getting out of bed for to be away all week both advertising at the moment
I was on £500 pw when I was working for Neville…
DIXON, HERITAGE,NOONE,Heritage and sister firm kingbrook pay 25k per year all in. That equates to about £420 pw in your pocket. not worth getting out of bed for to be away all week both advertising at the moment
I was on £500 pw when I was working for Neville…
nice eight hour day? parked up for lunch for an hour?
then nine off?
take home too?
very kind of Neville!
DIXON, HERITAGE,NOONE,Heritage and sister firm kingbrook pay 25k per year all in. That equates to about £420 pw in your pocket. not worth getting out of bed for to be away all week both advertising at the moment
I was on £500 pw when I was working for Neville…
Spoke to kingbrook last week £25k . That works out to about 480 pw that’s inc n/o money . Same MD same kit same work same town as Heritage
Please remember that … I (Neville) am no longer involved in either of these companies.
I do understand that both currently have vacancies though…at the above mentioned salary levels.
Heritage pay 420 ponds pw■■? It is true? This wage include night out? Or night out is paied separately?
Fatboy slimslow:
DIXON, HERITAGE,NOONE,Heritage and sister firm kingbrook pay 25k per year all in. That equates to about £420 pw in your pocket. not worth getting out of bed for to be away all week both advertising at the moment
I was on £500 pw when I was working for Neville…
nice eight hour day?
parked up for lunch for an hour?
then nine off?
take home too?
very kind of Neville!
This was 12 years ago and Heritage were one of the best paying in that corner of Kent, you max your hours but my attitude was if I’m out one or two weeks at a time I’d rather be driving than sat twiddling my thumbs. It was 100% legal so I was getting plenty of breaks and they’d stick me on the better ferry crossings if I asked. I found Neville and Kevin very professional and they ran a very tight ship. Their drivers and subbies were treated with respect, paid on time and their opinions were respected. Given what is usually the norm in transport circles, when you factor that into the overall package it was one of the better jobs out there at the time.
I don’t understand drivers that disect their wages into an hourly rate based on time spent in the cab (which on Euro work would be all week) the job doesn’t work like that, never has! You don’t go into driving blind, you know they’ll be nights out and you’ll be away from the missus quite a bit. It’s more a lifestyle choice, it’s never a 9-5 job.
If you want an hourly rate to reflect the hours, go self employed, you can charge what you think you’re worth then (although you may be spending alot of time at home listening to transport managers laughing at you down the phone)
Forgot the Name of some,having a Branch in Luxembourg
Their drivers and subbies were treated with respect, paid on time and their opinions were respected.
I bet they were paying wages that low because if they didn’t they’d probably find it hard to find another mug to work for less than £6/hr or under £5/hr if that £500 included night out money.
I don’t understand drivers that disect their wages into an hourly rate based on time spent in the cab (which on Euro work would be all week) the job doesn’t work like that, never has!
Those that don’t only don’t because they know they’ll be upset at how much they’re getting shafted.
If you want an hourly rate to reflect the hours, go self employed,
Why? In 20 years of driving trucks I’ve only had one job which was salary and you got so screwed over I left after a few months. You don’t need to go self employed to get paid a decent hourly rate for every hour you do. Companies doing continental don’t pay hourly because they know they can’t afford to pay a decent rate. They rely on the mugs they employ seeing £500 a week going in the bank and finding their own reasons to justify to themselves that they’re not getting screwed over just as you have with your “the job doesn’t work like that, never has” justification you use.
Sorry to be pedantic but have Dixon and Noone moved? There were Irish last time I looked.
if your on Tosco type agency plobber work,then by all means work by the hourly rate paid as its steering wheel attendant operations…if your on distance work,whether euro or just uk tramping,then your in the truck 24/7 so it equates to doing a weeks work for an acceptable wage in a job/lifestyle that suits you,hence theres no point in trying to work out how much your getting paid lying on your nuts weekended in Murcia/salou or waiting 6 hours on a ferry to spend all night getting ■■■■■■ sailing on for a week to suit yourself,in a job where the workload/conditions/truck suits you with a reasonable wage at the end of it. its 2 different occupations.tosco plobber on hours,or long distance.they are worlds apart.
Thats spot on.
How many UK firms pay in euros then.
Im sick of hearing that bollox that its a lifestyle or its in the blood.what fool likes to spend there every moment in a truck.when your on your final breath i bet it be nice to think aahh i had great times pooping in a bag in a lay by up and down the uk aswell as europe when i never saw any friends or family for all they years,great times.well not me ill live a normal life seeing my child grow up and have quality time from family sorry this is a rant but it sounds lime a really dumb thing to crave living in a truck like a hermit
Just as well we’re all different then isn’t it nearly there or there would be a lot of competition for your job!
I did my share of running over the water, I always had the better paying jobs, but even so it wasn’t all about the money, happiness is my ultimate goal, money doesn’t buy that.
nearly there:
Im sick of hearing that bollox that its a lifestyle or its in the blood.what fool likes to spend there every moment in a truck.when your on your final breath i bet it be nice to think aahh i had great times pooping in a bag in a lay by up and down the uk aswell as europe when i never saw any friends or family for all they years,great times.well not me ill live a normal life seeing my child grow up and have quality time from family sorry this is a rant but it sounds lime a really dumb thing to crave living in a truck like a hermit
Just because you can’t see the attraction doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Your ‘normal life’ would probably bore me senseless just like you’d hate my life, yet both of us are happy in our respective lives. Each to their own really isnt a hard concept to grasp, give it a try, would probably calm you down a tad. ONWARD