Tyres (again)

With one eye on the future i’mthinking about my tyres as they will need replacing on front steer soon.
Now if i buy my usuall Bridgestones they will need replacing again not long before i plan on selling this truck, However if i was to buy Michelin then yes it would cost more up front but they should see me out comfortably,
Now my usual supplier has recommended the XZA2 as opposed to the XZE2+ which i think is the energy tyre and about 36 dearer.
Any one got a crystal ball out there to help me with this?

Robbo. :grimacing:

fit the bridgestones and sell the truck earlier :wink:

you scania hater you. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

you never said it was a scania

in that case, save the money on the tyres, buy a gallon of petrol, get a rag and a ■■■ lighter, job done, then run like ■■■■ :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

With one eye on the future i’mthinking about my tyres as they will need replacing on front steer soon.
Now if i buy my usuall Bridgestones they will need replacing again not long before i plan on selling this truck, However if i was to buy Michelin then yes it would cost more up front but they should see me out comfortably,
Now my usual supplier has recommended the XZA2 as opposed to the XZE2+ which i think is the energy tyre and about 36 dearer.
Any one got a crystal ball out there to help me with this?

Robbo. :grimacing:

XZE2+ Energy, the extra 36quid will soon be made up in fuel savings :wink: