Two Things.

Firstly…To everyone who replied to the “hanging meat” topic. THANK YOU very much :smiley: :smiley:

Secondly… Anyone know anything about JPH Haulage/Tim Handford of Foelgastell,he’s looking for drivers at present.

bloody hell… just take a job :laughing: :laughing:

jessicas dad:
bloody hell… just take a job :laughing: :laughing:

Alex,I’d love to take ANY job.But when they find out you’ve had a heart attack and a double by-pass,they or their insurance companies tend to be somewhat reluctant :frowning: . Any way,how are you and what you been up to?


jessicas dad:
bloody hell… just take a job :laughing: :laughing:

Alex,I’d love to take ANY job.But when they find out you’ve had a heart attack and a double by-pass,they or their insurance companies tend to be somewhat reluctant :frowning: . Any way,how are you and what you been up to?

im sorry to hear that. :open_mouth: im not doing to well at the minute myself im looking at going back on the road myself. :cry:


jessicas dad:
bloody hell… just take a job :laughing: :laughing:

Alex,I’d love to take ANY job.But when they find out you’ve had a heart attack and a double by-pass,they or their insurance companies tend to be somewhat reluctant :frowning: . Any way,how are you and what you been up to?

So yer not gonna work for Viriginia now ?

If you have heart problems you may find it really difficult Im afraid!!!

Just out of curiosity How much were Viriginia paying ?

My brother is toying around with the option of selling his truck and going to work for sum1



jessicas dad:
bloody hell… just take a job :laughing: :laughing:

Alex,I’d love to take ANY job.But when they find out you’ve had a heart attack and a double by-pass,they or their insurance companies tend to be somewhat reluctant :frowning: . Any way,how are you and what you been up to?

So yer not gonna work for Viriginia now ?

If you have heart problems you may find it really difficult Im afraid!!!

Tell me about it :frowning: .I’ve had the allclear from the cardiologist,passed the medical for the DVLA with flying colours and still no luck. C’est la vie.

Just out of curiosity How much were Viriginia paying ?

My brother is toying around with the option of selling his truck and going to work for sum1

When I spoke to Sean he was quite reluctant to mention figures over the phone,however I had a pm from one of the boys,and he earned 36,000euro last year,pre tax. Hope that this may help.

jessicas dad:


jessicas dad:
bloody hell… just take a job :laughing: :laughing:

Alex,I’d love to take ANY job.But when they find out you’ve had a heart attack and a double by-pass,they or their insurance companies tend to be somewhat reluctant :frowning: . Any way,how are you and what you been up to?

im sorry to hear that. :open_mouth: im not doing to well at the minute myself im looking at going back on the road myself. :cry:

Hey :smiley: not a problem,39 and on the scrap heap :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . Sorry to hear that you too aren’t to well. Never mind,keep smiling I find that helps.Take it easy.

Just out of curiosity How much were Viriginia paying ?

Dont you know not much. €110 a day home, no pay sundays if your parked. They still have to compete with the more ruthless co.s so what can they do. Besides, you could drive for Sean Quinn from Fermanagh and earn the same in sterling :open_mouth: and home every night :open_mouth: