Two mins over time?

Think of the children. :smiley:

As others have said do 2 copies of a print out. Keep on hand the other in.

Relax and don’t worry even if you get pulled VOSA won’t cry over it

thanks for all the reply’s ,i will get some sleep now , :smiley: i am new to this business even though i have my class one for twenty odd years ,but was panicking yesterday in a bonded warehouse couldn’t find my trailer and no where to wait …done one printout will staple it in book ,thanks for the advice

THIS :arrow_right:

Unforeseen events.

Provided that road safety is not jeopardised, and to enable a driver to reach a
suitable stopping place
a departure from the EU rules may be permitted to the extent necessary to ensure the safety of persons,
the vehicle or its load.
Drivers must note all the reasons for doing so on the back of their tachograph
record sheets (if using an analogue tachograph),
on a printout or temporary sheet (if using a digital
tachograph) at the latest on reaching the suitable stopping place (see relevant sections covering manual

Repeated and regular occurrences, however, might indicate to enforcement officers that
employers were not in fact scheduling work to enable compliance with the applicable rules.

Goose step yourself to Beverley for a prostate exam.

No problem with the replies but expect 100 lashes at dawn from Sarah and Beverly Bell.