Hi guys
If I was to drive two different vehicles on the same shift would my tacho start as a new day when I enter it into the other vehicle? I.e will it show breaks as reset etc cheers
Hi guys
If I was to drive two different vehicles on the same shift would my tacho start as a new day when I enter it into the other vehicle? I.e will it show breaks as reset etc cheers
Digi or analogue or a mix of both ?
Digital both vehicles
Hi guysIf I was to drive two different vehicles on the same shift would my tacho start as a new day when I enter it into the other vehicle? I.e will it show breaks as reset etc cheers
why would it start as a new day? unless you changed vehicles at midnight it would show as same day. is it analogue or digital, or a mix of both?
no. your previous modes for that day are saved into your card. all your driving, break other duties will be available via and stored on the tacho head. ie if you did 5 hours driving in first vehicle you have 4 (or 5 if a 10 available) left. remember to do a manual entry for the missing time between changing vehicles as showing nothing would be bad.
SorryDigital both vehicles
when you insert into 2nd vehicle it will ask if you finished shift after last removal of card, select no, it will then ask if you wish to do a manual entry for the missing time, and bobs your auntie rog
Cheers guys so after entering the 2nd vehicle doing a manual entry will it still show the correct Current rest for the day and duration of current activity??
Cheers I’m very new to driving so sorry for the stupid questions
Cheers guys so after entering the 2nd vehicle doing a manual entry will it still show the correct Current rest for the day and duration of current activity??
Cheers guys so after entering the 2nd vehicle doing a manual entry will it still show the correct Current rest for the day and duration of current activity??Cheers I’m very new to driving so sorry for the stupid questions
V1. card in manual entries do work as norm…
finished with V1 remove card – MAKE A NOTE OF THE TIME as some clocks can differ best to have a 5 or 10 min gap…
V2 insert card do manual entries from time the card was withdrawn from V1 ie other work, poa, break, then continue as norm.
As Nick mentions, be careful when you put the card in the second vehicle, won’t be the first time if the second lorry is 2 or 3 minutes behind the one you’ve just vacated, that’ll give the card reader a hissy fit when its downloaded later…how do i know this?
Don’t put your credit card in !
I tried to pay for the shopping with my Digicard the other week !
Bloody card holder rejected it, must have been an Infringment. Lols.