TV Sat Dish

Anyone using a portable sat dish for your tv? Liddle have a portable sat dish and freeview box for sale on monday for £65.
If you have one do they take a lot to find a signal everytime you stop and if you are parked between other trucks will you get a signal?
Anyone point me in the right direction for 10" flat screen tv?
(It’s my birthday soon)

you need a clear line of sight to pick up the signal, so if you can get the dish as high as poss the better.
you should get a meter with the pack to find the signal, if i remember right the signal is south/south east direction.
if you’ve got a sky box it’ll work with the dish as well.

On a side note , with a laptop and a usb freeview dongle thing,with this

Gets you freeview pefectly well .

I have not yet tried satellite though, thought that was the domain of our euro cousins

I know you can get em from maplins … ce=15&SD=Y
and evilbay for similar money

13 degrees east of south can’t remember elevation

On a side note , with a laptop and a usb freeview dongle thing,with this

Gets you freeview pefectly well .

I tried one of those and have to say it was (or maybe i was) crap, in a week i got a decent picture once, i sold it on ebay :slight_smile:
Now if someone did a portable satellite system that would plug into a USB of a laptop :bulb:


On a side note , with a laptop and a usb freeview dongle thing,with this

Gets you freeview pefectly well .

I tried one of those and have to say it was (or maybe i was) crap, in a week i got a decent picture once, i sold it on ebay :slight_smile:
Now if someone did a portable satellite system that would plug into a USB of a laptop :bulb:

Here is one for you … PG#reviews

Great reviews too for the small amount of £24.95

Here is one for you … PG#reviews

Great reviews too for the small amount of £24.95

I have that one and that’s crap too!!! Up around the Grimsby/Hull area, cannot pick up a signal at all yet down in London can get 61 channels including SSNews

Anyone using a portable sat dish for your tv? Liddle have a portable sat dish and freeview box for sale on monday for £65.
If you have one do they take a lot to find a signal everytime you stop and if you are parked between other trucks will you get a signal?
Anyone point me in the right direction for 10" flat screen tv?
(It’s my birthday soon)

I bought one of these last year and it was absolute cack.You don’t get a signal strength meter with it but a stupid little "compass " which clips onto the back of the dish to give you the angle of elevation and sattelite direction.Heath Robinson could have come up with a better system :smiley: :unamused:
It has 3 different mountings.Rubber suckers,G-clamp :open_mouth: and you can also mount the dish in the lid of the plastic case that the thing comes in.

Got rid of mine on e-bay.IMO,keep your £65 and put it towards something decent :wink: