TV programme in welsh about Breen/Nolan

Foreign haulage companies are threatening lives on our roads according to one Welsh trucker. Now Yogi Jones has decided to blow the whistle on his Irish employers, Breen International Transport, claiming he was forced to break the law by driving dangerously long hours. Y Byd ar Bedwar spent a week in the cab with Yogi gathering evidence, and tonight the programme travels to Ireland to confront his boss.

It’s mostly in welsh but for all the people who keep asking about them on here the phone conversations between the driver and the company are well worth hearing basic[/url]

yogi got pulled more times in one week than ive got pulled in 10 years :open_mouth:
howd that happen?

i got the television station website up and saw a picture of yogi.i couldnt get the programmes to play.
do i need to download software or am i just a computer disaster?
interestingly enough,breen had an ad in the truckstop news looking for drivers a few weeks ago,interviews held all over the uk…
i never applied,
i wonder why.

i got the television station website up and saw a picture of yogi.i couldnt get the programmes to play.
do i need to download software or am i just a computer disaster?
interestingly enough,breen had an ad in the truckstop news looking for drivers a few weeks ago,interviews held all over the uk…
i never applied,
i wonder why.

I got a message saying that no video exists, our engineers have been informed.

Is it subterfuge from above?

try this link now.


That link works Malc.

Very interesting film that and most of it can be understood even though most of it is in Welsh.

Yogi. the Truckers Hero, well mine at least.

You have Balls mate. GOOD LUCK.

maybe we need more whistle blowers in this business? i cant comment on how i would react to being asked to go over my hours as i have never been asked to do it but i have a feeling i would point blank refuse to do it.

i know if i was working for a company and they did it once i would say no and that would be the end of it but why do they do it, the drivers i mean?

why don’t they say no? have they got no spine?

is it really that hard to say no to a boss face to face or on the end of a phone, even if they are asking you to break the law?

they cant just fire you for it can they?

and if they do fire you all you need to do is take it to a tribunal and guess who would win? or even go to Vosa or the area TC and point a few things out and their business would possibly be down the pan. i know it isn’t fair on the other drivers that work there but if they are running bent them ■■■■ em.

it is a dangerous job at the best of times, let alone driving when you are tired (i know we have all done it, even if it is just looking for somewhere to stop) but having someone tell you do it and then doing as they say is just being a puppet!

i have paid out over £2500 from my own pocket in the last year to get my licences and do you think the companies would give me that back if it was revoked. NO they wouldn’t so there is no way i would run bent and run the risk of being stopped.

would you blow the whistle or just keep your mouth shut and hope you don’t get stopped?

Shame it was mostly in welsh which I can’t speak, still interesting though.

One or two questions for anyone who speaks welsh if you don’t mind, does anyone know what happened to Yogi in the end, obviously he quit the job but did he find other work ?
If the program mentioned it, was he prosecuted ?

thks wheelnut for proving another link to a very interesting documentary.
we have differed in the past on irish companies.
i do thing this welshman yogi was right.
there are some irish companies that think themselves above european driving laws,not all i might add.
i dont agree with all the driving hrs laws,but in the case of the paris gatwick load.
what was he supposed to do.
breen and the freight agents want the load delivered,but he got to get through calais,and that is a problem nowadays.
i think he did the right thing.
who would want to drive for the likes of those knackers.

thks wheelnut for proving another link to a very interesting documentary.
we have differed in the past on irish companies.
i do thing this welshman yogi was right.
there are some irish companies that think themselves above european driving laws,not all i might add.
i dont agree with all the driving hrs laws,but in the case of the paris gatwick load.
what was he supposed to do.
breen and the freight agents want the load delivered,but he got to get through calais,and that is a problem nowadays.
i think he did the right thing.
who would want to drive for the likes of those knackers.

I think Yogi did very well, even after a verbal slapping over the phone he managed to get a bacon buttie while still in Kent, then took a steady ride to the ferry :stuck_out_tongue:
He certainly was a lot more tolerant than me though because if I had been spoken to like that I would still be parked on the planners fingers :wink:

i would be using the fuel cards as a lottery win.
theres no need for the abuse.i have had it a few times.
i dont reply in the same tone as the chilled out welshman yogi.
each to our own.
i let rip back to them.
its the irish dept of treansport need to be informed of this.
breens are not of good repute.
the dept would do something about this if they knew.
i dont think the dept workers can see welsh tv.
i will try to post a link to the irish dept.
the likes of breens deserve to be ousted.
they get us all a bad name.[the irish]

i’d like to know why the camera crew were hovering around Nolans trailer park on the Ramasgrange road?
What had they got to do with ih?

ellies dad:
i’d like to know why the camera crew were hovering around Nolans trailer park on the Ramasgrange road?
What had they got to do with ih?

Maybe he was talking about them getting fined a few weeks ago for tachograph offences ■■ I think it was 90 grand !

Shame it was mostly in welsh which I can’t speak, still interesting though.

One or two questions for anyone who speaks welsh if you don’t mind, does anyone know what happened to Yogi in the end, obviously he quit the job but did he find other work ?
If the program mentioned it, was he prosecuted ?

It doesn’t say if he finds or wanted other work. Says that he closed the door of the cab for the last time. Did this mean the Breen truch cab or all cabs in general? Not clear.

The narrator does say that Yogi hadn’t yet found out if he will be prosecuted.

There was nothing new in this video clip that a lot of us havn’t experienced first hand. If anything it didn’t expose exploitation as that is something that is not unique to any employer no matter where they are from but it did expose a lax licensing, or rather checking regime in Eire. I’m guessing the RTA is the Irish equivalent to the Police or VOSA? Breens seemed quite dismissive of them.At a guess i would think that ‘Yogi’ was finishing his driving career anyway and is going to retire, he’d done it for long enough. It doesn’t take balls to do something like that for him, it takes balls to do it when you are aged 28 and have a mortgage and kids and they are the guys you won’t hear from. If the Welsh Police can study TV programmes of Ann Robinson for allegedly racist remarks i wonder if they will study that footage and prosecute ‘Yogi’ for smoking in his workplace? I like whistle blowers, but i don’t like people who blow the whistle after they got all they can out of it and then want out so no one else can do it like they did. Smacks of double standards.

If the Welsh Police can study TV programmes of Ann Robinson for allegedly racist remarks i wonder if they will study that footage and prosecute ‘Yogi’ for smoking in his workplace? I like whistle blowers, but i don’t like people who blow the whistle after they got all they can out of it and then want out so no one else can do it like they did. Smacks of double standards.

Yogi did say that the job had now changed and that there was a lot more pressure on drivers nowadays that in the past and that he had had enough. So, he didn’t like the way he was made to do it…and it was illegal. I don’t see how it smacks of double standards.

What has Ann Robinson got to do with the content of this programme? You are digressing.


If the Welsh Police can study TV programmes of Ann Robinson for allegedly racist remarks i wonder if they will study that footage and prosecute ‘Yogi’ for smoking in his workplace? I like whistle blowers, but i don’t like people who blow the whistle after they got all they can out of it and then want out so no one else can do it like they did. Smacks of double standards.

Yogi did say that the job had now changed and that there was a lot more pressure on drivers nowadays that in the past and that he had had enough. So, he didn’t like the way he was made to do it…and it was illegal. I don’t see how it smacks of double standards.

What has Ann Robinson got to do with the content of this programme? You are digressing.

Ok, i’ll get the digressing bit out the way first… if your going to video other people breaking the law you don’t want yourself on video breaking the law too, surely? He’s smoking in the cab, its illegal. Or are we just concentrating on the illegal stuff we want to? If he has such a flippant disregard for the law, who knows what else he might have a flippant disregard for? Rapists have double standards, they look down their nose at peadophiles? Where do you draw a line?

Yogi did say that the job had now changed

Yeah, it must have been the week before he invited the film crew. Astute and on the ball or had enough and ready to retire, you make your own mind up. Yes i think what he did was right, yes i think he did it far to late, yes i think he aint bothered anymore as he’s out of it. Of course he’s going to say theres more pressure, there’s so much pressure he gets a film crew in with him and visits just about every official check point between Ireland and France. I don’t know about you but if that was me and i was ■■■■■■■ about in all them stops, i’d of had the sack by now !!

i think your being just a little bit picky Mike c especially about him smoking in the cab.

I don’t think what Yogi done was the right way to
go about things!!

I guess everyone that has posted a reply here has
watched the program, although its mostly welsh I’m
sure we all get the idea of whats going on.

Did you all see the guy in yogis bunk behind him with
a gun held to yogi`s head?

Also later on in the film did you see the other guy twist
Yogi`s arm up his back and make him do it?

Obviously not because the said guy was not there!!

Yogi is old and ugly enough to know what he was doing
and all he had to do the first time it happened was say no.
Fair enough a lot of drivers are put under a lot of stress to
to get the job done but we all know the law regarding hours.

If he was here to answer he would probably say he done it
because he did not want to get the boot, but that’s pure ■■■■■■■■
as we all know their is a national shortage off lgv drivers (allegedly)
so he could get another job.

I think Yogi is an old hand at running bent and probably used to
do it all the time with an analogue tachograph and log book before
that, digi tacho has come along hes been pulled by VOSA and hes
in the smelly stuff.
So now he is trying to pass the buck and put all the blame on his
employer. The guy has a mind of his own and should know right
from wrong. Definitely a classic from the dirty tricks department!!!
Just my opinion :unamused: