Turn a blind eye or tell the boss

I saw a driver at a fuel pump who had filled two 25 litre containers of diesel and stow them in the cab.

Would you say none of my business.Or if the firm has 100 trucks and each drivers takes 50 litres a day it may finish a firm with job losses.
Would you say it was theft and he has a diesel car.
The firm would assume the truck is using more fuel than.usual and assume an engine problem.
Turn a blind eye or tell his employer.?

I would keep out of it, none of my business.

I would keep out of it, none of my business.


Id keep out of it, mind my own bussiness.

Mind me own too :sunglasses:

You’d feel a right ■■■ if there was a genuine reason for it lol…

Last time I saw this happen - it was a boss doing it!
Pretty sure it was for their own diesel car too…

What do you say and who do you run to then? :confused:

I elected to keep quiet :blush: on the basis that if the said person wasn’t sacked on the spot should I have reported them, (which was never going to happen right?) I’d be “got rid of” on the slightest pretence by the same boss at the earliest opportunity…

Key fuels actually rang me once to say a driver had fuelled his truck and 2 x 25litre containers. It was good of them but I had asked this driver to do it so all was well.
In this case unless you know for sure I would keep out of it.

I’d keep out of it too…if the guy does it regularly, unless the gaffer is as thick as ■■■■, in which case he’ll go under anyway, he won’t get away with it for long the price diesel is now! :sunglasses:

I saw a driver at a fuel pump who had filled two 25 litre containers of diesel and stow them in the cab.

Would you say none of my business.Or if the firm has 100 trucks and each drivers takes 50 litres a day it may finish a firm with job losses.
Would you say it was theft and he has a diesel car.
The firm would assume the truck is using more fuel than.usual and assume an engine problem.
Turn a blind eye or tell his employer.?

How could you possibly know why he was filling containers with diesel, there could be a legitimate reason for it.

I’d mind my own business rather than making assumptions :wink:

What does anyone do when they see a rag and bone geezer filling up around the MSA truckstop with a length of hosepipe and a brace & bit?

Saying something to that bored guy in the high viz walking around making sure everyone is paying for overnighting doesn’t help apparently… :open_mouth:

Looks like they have a decent driver’s union in Russia at least… Wonder if they’ll open a branch over here? :smiley:

They know how to treat someone who’s trying to rob them! :smiling_imp:

It doesn’t matter if its a national firm (that everyone assumes can take the loss) or If it’s a small operator with 5 trucks. Theft is theft.
If there’s a genuine reason for it what have you lost by contacting the company?

I’ve done it with a coach, went to fill it up for them and the workshop asked if I could fill the little drum for them as well… :wink:

You’ve got to be thick as pig ■■■■ to rob diesel off your gaffer at a filling station, all on camera & anyone could shop you…


I would keep out of it, none of my business.


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Some good points.He may have paid for it.But all on Cctv.

50 Litres stowed in the cab, hopefully not for long :laughing:

I was refused once when I filled up the plastic container with diesel, they told me that they are going to call my company and were generally very unpolite to me, threateining me with the police, calling me a Polish thief etc.

Soon they changed the note, when they were told by my boss that I was ordered to do it, as the fuel was going to the forklift in our yard…

When working for people with dubious credit ratings, being sent to Romania etc with fuel cards that may/ may not work. A couple of cans of Derv may get you nearer home. So who knows why he was doing it? Mind it!!! :wink:

He may want to wash his truck when he gets back to the yard and needs some fuel for the steam cleaner.

Keep yer neb out :stuck_out_tongue: