Hello, anyone on here have any experience of these; tunit.co.uk/
Claim to improve torque and performance by individually tuning each engine with a little black box. Boasting impressive gains.
Too good to be true?
Hello, anyone on here have any experience of these; tunit.co.uk/
Claim to improve torque and performance by individually tuning each engine with a little black box. Boasting impressive gains.
Too good to be true?
“Commercial diesel tuning with Tunit not only increases power by 20% but also more importantly saves fuel. This is achieved by the increase in torque allowing more efficient gear changing. (shorter gear range changes - less gear changes).”
“The design and development of the Tunit has come about by the collaboration of some of the top minds in Europe”
All for £479…
Gotta love “the top minds in Europe…”
My guess is that it might improve some older engines but MAN, Volvo et al employ their own “top minds” and you can bet that they are trying mightily to achieve the best possible compromise between all the parameters, while staying within EU rules for emissions.
My verdict - as with all other so called economy devices - waste of money.
Some years ago I was a TM with a large company. We took delivery of 30 identical ■■■■■■ diesel vans and fitted various fuel saving devices to 10 of them. 10 were fitted with dummy devices that did nothing at all, and the rest were left alone. All 30 were fitted with a fuel meter on the fuel line. These vans were distributed all over the country and the 20 drivers with devices fitted were told that they were part of a trial. The other 10 were issued in the normal way.
After six months all 30 were recalled and checked.
All 20 of the modified vans showed significant improvements in fuel consumption compared to the control 10 with no devices.
There was no significant difference between the vans with real devices and the ones with dummy devices.
The conclusion was that the saving was almost entirely due to the drivers’ awareness that they were being monitored.
One driver was dismissed for stealing diesel.
The best economy device is you - your skill as a driver; using the engine, gears and brakes to the best possible advantage.
Yes digital tuning box’s do work, but at those prices i personally would be looking for a remap rather than a tuning box.