twice this week been unlucky to have stayed in a couple,why do night trunk guy thinks its ok to drive in leave engine running for there 45 right in front of all off the trucks with curtains shut or the 6 yodel pricks who at 2.30 am all needed to change trailers with reversing bleepers if full squak mode then test the strength of the 5th wheels and king pins
thanks also to the border traffic guy for 4.30 wake up to build your air up 1500rpm till tanks blow of cheers mate
: £22 and £18.50 give me a dark layby or industrial est any time
switch off the bloody engine/switch off the reversing alarms/the air will build up on tick over you don’t have to rev the ■■■■ off it and or phone your boss at home when you start your engine to build up air and wake the whole house up till they fix the bloody thing
just a suggestion mind .now time for a beer or 9
Hope you got a meal voucher and a shower with it, I’m sure it was money well spent.
It is worse in Europe, I take a 45 hour weekly rest, the parking is full of Eastern European trucks all with their cab curtains shut.
All the trucks take in turns to run their engines for half an hour to charge the battery after watching X Factor in Borijistan from their Sputnik satellite TV dishes that NASA can see from space.
They run engines all day and night,ruining a cosy sleep on a afternoon Siesta snooze.
I’m not too bothered about idling engines, fridges and the like because thats the norm here and you do get used to it after a while. Reversing beepers though are another thing and I don’t know for the life of me why so many trucks that have them, have no way to turn the [zb]things off.
I couldn’t find the disable switch on MAN tga so just drove in forwards!
I’m not too bothered about idling engines, fridges and the like because thats the norm here and you do get used to it after a while. Reversing beepers though are another thing and I don’t know for the life of me why so many trucks that have them, have no way to turn the F’ing things off.
boils my urine too, reversing beepers " only professionals in bed, let’s wake them up!
" no public around to get knocked over, in the TRUCK PARK!
DIDN’T have them when I started!
or seatbelts too! I’m getting old,
nearly retired
In instances where there is no isolation switch for the beeper & you have to be quiet, pulling out the green/secondary electrical line prior to reversing seems to work.
I’m not too bothered about idling engines, fridges and the like because thats the norm here and you do get used to it after a while. Reversing beepers though are another thing and I don’t know for the life of me why so many trucks that have them, have no way to turn the F’ing things off.
we just have had to fit the whole fleet .mixers,gravel trucks ,loaders,flts the lot with the reverse beepers…seems its required for CORE,workplace health and safety…in Manitoba ,its going to be a total pain when we want to leave our yard early morning.
In instances where there is no isolation switch for the beeper & you have to be quiet, pulling out the green/secondary electrical line prior to reversing seems to work.
how does that stop the beeper going off on the tractor unit then?
what if its a rigid?
it’s a service area do you expect everything to be shut down just because your asleep …
bet you don’t think twice about it when a night driver is parked up for his night (during the day).
it’s a service areado you expect everything to be shut down just because your asleep …
bet you don’t think twice about it when a night driver is parked up for his night (during the day).
Do make me laugh when truck drivers cry about the noise trucks make.
To the OP, I do sort of understand where you are coming from but you must remember that transport is a 24 hour operation and you can’t expect people to creep around in carpet slippers, much less decline to test the kingpin when hooking up just because you are asleep.
Also, I never “rev the ■■■■ off of my truck” to build the air up, the ECU selects the tickover speed, which it increases when the air needs building up or in temperatures below 3 degrees Celsius.
I too hate parking on motorway service areas, and my solution is, as you yourself mentioned, to park up on quiet industrial estates etc.
it’s a service areado you expect everything to be shut down just because your asleep …
bet you don’t think twice about it when a night driver is parked up for his night (during the day).+1
I can cope with most occupational hazard noises, engines reving, bleepers, trailer swaps, even the odd fridge motor parking near me- its just another damsel earning a crust. Heck even the driver in the truck next to me having an adventurous tommy tank goes barely noticed.
But like the other thread, malicious horn pappings get on me wick and may cause me to get the guns out, if I had any.
Sure we would all like a peacefull nights beauty sleep but ■■■■ happens we either deal with it or get our ■■■■■■■ in a bunch letting it get to us.
Bollox a soddin reefer just parked next to me, I’m turnin that fridge off later, don’t know why they even exist…
then test the strength of the 5th wheels and king pins
To be fair if they don’t test their kingpin and 5th wheels and they arn’t connected properly then the trailer falling on its snout and a crane has to be called its going to cause a lot more noise and disruption than a 3 second tug test
Harry Monk:
Also, I never “rev the ■■■■ off of my truck” to build the air up, the ECU selects the tickover speed, which it increases when the air needs building up or in temperatures below 3 degrees Celsius.
This is a feature I would love to disable.[emoji35]
Nick2008 i think you’re ignorant how [zb] hard to workit out that driver who just done 10 hours drive may need some sleep but obviously you have to do your job and there is nothing you can do isn’t,also yoy allowed to do this so why not then,some people are thicker than my grandma big tose nail
I sleep like a baby most places day or night but if it gets a tad noisy I have dozens of these nicked from the depot they work a treat
But make sure your phone alarm is on loud and vibrate
I think it’s called most people don’t give a [zb]anymore it’s not hard to be quiet
I sleep like a baby most places day or night but if it gets a tad noisy I have dozens of these nicked from the depotthey work a treat
But make sure your phone alarm is on loud and vibrate
I used to get mine from Fenner Dunlop reception in Hull