Try this

The sky looks very clear and blue. Are you near the coast somewhere?

Looks like Portland bill

Looks like Portland bill

Looks like Portland bill


Well done chaps, chapesses and undecided.

It is indeed the lighthouse at Portland Bill. Taken whilst in the unicorn kingdom on holiday this week looking towards the sunlit uplands.

Well done chaps, chapesses and undecided.

It is indeed the lighthouse at Portland Bill. Taken whilst in the unicorn kingdom on holiday this week looking towards the sunlit uplands.

Not Orkney then? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Lonewolf Yorks:

Well done chaps, chapesses and undecided.

It is indeed the lighthouse at Portland Bill. Taken whilst in the unicorn kingdom on holiday this week looking towards the sunlit uplands.

Not Orkney then? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t want to make things too easy Wolfie