Trunking and tramping

sorry to be a dumbass but can someone tell me the difference between trunking and tramping?

Tramping is working away from home normally nomday to friday doing one run after another.
Trunking is usually just day or night shifts going from one place to another.
Welcome to the madhouse :smiley:

trunking is from depot to depot in one shift then go home to sleep etc
tramping is leave home monday get back friday(usually) you live in the cab all week.

Trunking, doing a run which is the same every night. Trunking goods from depot to depot type thing. Or meeting in the middle doing a trailer swap.

Basically every night will be the same run, some people say easy money, some say boring.

Tramping is setting off at the start of the week and going where ever you are sent, all over the country. Usually will be away for the week.

Trunking, doing a run which is the same every night. Trunking goods from depot to depot type thing. Or meeting in the middle doing a trailer swap.

Basically every night will be the same run, some people say easy money, some say boring.

Tramping is setting off at the start of the week and going where ever you are sent, all over the country. Usually will be away for the week.

What he said.
and did you know there’s 100,000 muscles in an elephants trunk :question: :laughing:

trunking not always same run every trip.
Company I work for changes destinations each trip, approx 16 different runs.

Trunking, doing a run which is the same every night. Trunking goods from depot to depot type thing. Or meeting in the middle doing a trailer swap.

Basically every night will be the same run, some people say easy money, some say boring.

Tramping is setting off at the start of the week and going where ever you are sent, all over the country. Usually will be away for the week.

Tramping is working away from home normally nomday to friday doing one run after another.
Trunking is usually just day or night shifts going from one place to another.
Welcome to the madhouse :smiley:

trunking is from depot to depot in one shift then go home to sleep etc
tramping is leave home monday get back friday(usually) you live in the cab all week.

Is there an echo in here :confused:

did you know there’s 100,000 muscles in an elephants trunk :question: :laughing:

Well there must be 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in my whatsit then :open_mouth:


Trunking, doing a run which is the same every night. Trunking goods from depot to depot type thing. Or meeting in the middle doing a trailer swap.

Basically every night will be the same run, some people say easy money, some say boring.

Tramping is setting off at the start of the week and going where ever you are sent, all over the country. Usually will be away for the week.

Tramping is working away from home normally nomday to friday doing one run after another.
Trunking is usually just day or night shifts going from one place to another.
Welcome to the madhouse :smiley:

trunking is from depot to depot in one shift then go home to sleep etc
tramping is leave home monday get back friday(usually) you live in the cab all week.

Is there an echo in here :confused:

what did you say,what did you say,what did you say :smiley:
i think me and him posted at same time

i have done both on artics and Trunking is the easier of the two by a long,long way,however it can be boring! Tramping is brilliant,i learnt more about reversing etc in the two weeks i did than I ever did on Trunking!

trunking is named because you normally travel the main trunk roads and tramping is so named, well you’ll know if you ever stand next to someone who’s lived in a cab and hasn’t showered for days.

Cheers to everyone who replied.
So trunking is for drivers who have a really fit girl friend to come home to every night…and tramping is for those drivers who have got married!!

In olden days if you were a tramper you threw away your watch and bought a callender.

Cheers to everyone who replied.
So trunking is for drivers who have a really fit girl friend to come home to every night…and tramping is for those drivers who have got married!!

haha thats a very good way of putting it :smiley:

Cheers to everyone who replied.
So trunking is for drivers who have a really fit girl friend to come home to every night

Bugger :blush: I’m in the wrong job. Anyone know of any tramping jobs in W Wales :question: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Cheers to everyone who replied.
So trunking is for drivers who have a really fit girl friend to come home to every night

Bugger :blush: I’m in the wrong job. Anyone know of any tramping jobs in W Wales :question: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But the trampers have loads of fit girfriends in different places :stuck_out_tongue: Also gives you a chance to get a shower if her hubby is on night trunk :smiley:

Trampers sometimes called Roamers, which is what I’m classed as, even though i only do 2 or 3 days a week.

I’d say trunking is easy money, but must be awful boring… especially if its at night.

Roaming you never know where you’re going to be the next night (or even that night) and you get all over the place. Great variety.

and then there are trunkers who are shunters
but they are not yard shunters who rarely leave the depot
they go an hour or so up the road to a factory or depot and put trailers in or out
or do short regular runs to the same place
vis a vis Cov to Wellesbourne
Cov to Kiddy

Wheel Nut:


Cheers to everyone who replied.
So trunking is for drivers who have a really fit girl friend to come home to every night

Bugger :blush: I’m in the wrong job. Anyone know of any tramping jobs in W Wales :question: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But the trampers have loads of fit girfriends in different places :stuck_out_tongue: Also gives you a chance to get a shower if her hubby is on night trunk :smiley:

PMSL :astonished: