Truckstop news, letters page

Letter about , Tesco deliverys to home made me laugh, very good. :smiley:

And for those of us that don’t actually see a copy…?


Yes it made me laugh too and true to the point also. :smiley:

And for those of us that don’t actually see a copy…?


The one that’s doing the rounds along the lines of “order shopping to be delivered, make the driver wait ages, then check everything off”…

… and lock the van driver in your garden shed for four hours while you do so.

And put the tv on loud and change the channel to some crap daytime programme…

Don’t forget to have his keys. And he’s not allowed the toilet either

My boss has done a simalar thing, one of our drivers was left waiting for ages at a delivery point for no good reason, and it just so happened that said company was delivering to us one day, well he had quite a wait before any one would tip his load off as pay back.