Trucks to be provided with dash cams to catch reckless drivers

In an ideal world education would solve the problem. Since we are instead, here, we are discussing deterrence I think.

Do you want cops in marked cars sitting around, so that everyone drives quietly past them on that short bit of road?

Or unmarked cars? Which might nab rather than deter bad drivers?

Or is the deterrent in thinking that a bad driver could be observed at anytime, anywhere?

And how much extra do you want to spend on these traffic cops?
And do you promise not to say “they should be out catching criminals not persecuting motorists” if we do get any? :grinning:

Oh God he even wants to argue with me on this.
I’m sure you can recall the days of high profile road policing, the stretch of the M6 around Sandbach for example, with the high performance XJ6s, they were a common sight in those days, and a well known deterrent.
As for costs…‘they’ can always raise enough cash for other what could be referred to as unnecessary wastage, lets start with the pandering to illegal wannabe migrants under the guise of 'seeking refuge and asylum ’ for starters, I’m sure 6 mill a day for the last few years would fund a few Focus STs or BMW s.
And you will not get the ‘Better time spent catching criminals’ crack off me it aint a pure financial agenda, and if they actively police (they are censoring the abbreviation for Richard ffs) ■■■■ in his V8 Scania tailgating, or Wayne in his souped up Subaru brake testing trucks.

Is that RobRoy speak for:
“I want to say something on a forum,but don’t want anyone to challenge or question me on it”?
I really do not want to explain again how forums work, as it appears you do not read the replies.

I do remember the days of the Jam Sandwiches sat up their perches.
And of vehicles slowing down…and then speeding up again. Just as many do with speed cameras today.

No shock that came up.
If you weren’t moaning about money spent misspent on that it would be something else. Or to use another RobRoy-ism “that old chestnut”.

It doesn’t matter how much money is spent… wisely or wasted…
More coppers cost more that fewer coppers. It really is that simple!

And then you have individuals on forums who sit waiting to pounce on others postings seemingly because they have nothing better to do with their precious life.

And what has that to do with dash cams?

Your predictability knows no bounds Frangers. :joy:

So, no further comment on:
Dash cams? Deterrence for bad road users? Funding of police or safety?

most coppers these days just want to drive round like starsky and hutch doing absolutely nothing. Before anyone says i don’t know where they are going or what they have procecuted someone for i am sure we have all witnessed someone jumping a red light or doing an illegal u-turn right in front of a marked police car and they don’t turn a hair.

I have witnessed an accident and stopped to help as someone was knocked off their moped. It was quickly established that no one was hurt or in need of medical assistance but the car drivers wife was kicking off so we were on the phone to the police. whilst talking to the traffic control room a police car stopped asked what was going on and decided that they hadn’t been assigned to the incident so got back in the car and drove off necessitating another call to them.

What more do you want me to say about it Frangers exactly?
I think I’ve covered it tbh.
Police the roads, and fund it by cutting back on unnecessaries, job done.
Or get a Labour govt in maybe…joke btw
Whatever I say you will jump on it in your usual argumentative stance,…and come on, explaining again in your usual patronising way ‘how a forum works’…seriously?
We just need the clutching at pearls’ CHESTNUT…(whoops there I go again) for the full set.:roll_eyes::joy:

Btw…you describe me as moaning.
I was merely making a point with a view to discussion and debate.
Do you really need me to explain how a forum works?

You can say anything at ll you want. Just as I can.

Since you are here:
Cutting down on wasteful spending? I am all for that. We may disagree about what that is, so let’s leave that for another thread.

But you don’t dispute that more cops cost more than fewer cops?

High profile policing? “Smokey on his perch”?
Is that a good use of resources? I am not convinced it is.
Anyone with info on that?

I see nowt wrong with the proposed scheme as it stands.

Publicise it well, so that no poor innocent wee lambs get to feel they are being spied upon. I wouldn’t like to hear any saying “I only drove like a idiot because I thought I would get away with it” “It ain’ fair that my dangerous driving was found out”
Whining wee ■■■■■■■■■ are bad for my blood pressure!

Smokey can sit on his perch if he wishes, but better to actively patrol the motorways watching out for bad driving, monitoring and …policing!

Why would I dispute the simple fact that more cops cost more money than fewer cops exactly🙄… unless I was either stupid…or even prone to maintaining arguments for the sake of it, thus coming across as a bit of a patronising know it all, but you’d know all about that.

I dont doubt for a second you of all people agree with the scheme, I would take that for granted, as you do tend to take stuff on full face value, so lets once again agree to differ.
Would not want your blood pressure to race.