Trucks hitting 75mph on M62

was driving up to preston and while on the m62 came down that massive hill heading w/b and i was doing…erm 80mph :blush: :blush: and as i was going down the hill i was passing trucks fairly quickly except for one who i seemed to take a while to catch up with and had difficulty passing at 70 ish mph as i had slowed down coming down the hill but he keep level with me, my digi speedo was reading 75mph and he wasnt showing any sign of braking…

was some tautliner comp from north wales but the unit was not from the same company as the trailer, diff colours etc.

i dont use the m62 often so wondered if that sort of speed is normal for you guys going down that hill everyday and just wondered how do you explain the ahem overspeed :question: :laughing: :sunglasses:


yes i know speedo’s as are not 100% accurate but dont think they are that far ‘out’ :? :laughing:

Put simply it’s called gravity acting on a 30 tonne load

Cruise Control:
was driving up to preston and while on the m62 came down that massive hill heading w/b and i was doing…erm 80mph :blush: :blush: and as i was going down the hill i was passing trucks fairly quickly except for one who i seemed to take a while to catch up with and had difficulty passing at 70 ish mph as i had slowed down coming down the hill but he keep level with me, my digi speedo was reading 75mph and he wasnt showing any sign of braking…

was some tautliner comp from north wales but the unit was not from the same company as the trailer, diff colours etc.

i dont use the m62 often so wondered if that sort of speed is normal for you guys going down that hill everyday and just wondered how do you explain the ahem overspeed :question: :laughing: :sunglasses:


yes i know speedo’s as are not 100% accurate but dont think they are that far ‘out’ :? :laughing:

What speed rating do your tyres have?

Ive seen many a truck accident there (Windy Hill) I do let mine run on a little but 60 max, 75 fella your asking for trouble if you have to make sudden reactions for traffic braking steering etc. Oh and if the worst happpend and VOSATAPO checked you tacho speed trace your in deep do do!

Ive got a feeling if he is doing that speed he has pulled the fuse on the tacho. You dont want that showing up on either a chart or a digi card.

nothing to do with fuses or wires merc as already said just gravity and not keeping the speed in check
yours was Reading 75 aswell was it

nothing to do with fuses or wires merc as already said just gravity and not keeping the speed in check
yours was Reading 75 aswell was it

should stress here that i was in my car :exclamation:

Ive got a feeling if he is doing that speed he has pulled the fuse on the tacho. You dont want that showing up on either a chart or a digi card.

Unlikely. You can get the needle off the clock going down Windy even when you’re empty, let alone loaded. I’ve had an artic up to 75 down there :blush: but I was running empty. Wouldn’t have the bottle to do it with 26 tonne on the back - that left hand bend before the viaduct quickly becomes more like a hairpin when one is going somewhat faster than one should :blush: .

Rob K:

Ive got a feeling if he is doing that speed he has pulled the fuse on the tacho. You dont want that showing up on either a chart or a digi card.

Unlikely. You can get the needle off the clock going down Windy even when you’re empty, let alone loaded. I’ve had an artic up to 75 down there :blush: but I was running empty. Wouldn’t have the bottle to do it with 26 tonne on the back - that left hand bend before the viaduct quickly becomes more like a hairpin when one is going somewhat faster than one should :blush: .

A 14 litre ERF to Port Sunlight on a Saturday morning many years ago and I managed to knock 40 minutes off the weekday journey :laughing: The roads were quiet, the tyres were not overheating because it was icy :laughing:

when i first went on artic’s i had to divert up the M40 and the hill there give me a scare look at the speedo and thought it was wrong 120kph did not do that again next time i had the retarder on all the way down my bum was twitching for a few minutes there i tell you, the truck was a 52reg axtor did not think there go the fast even in a gale never mined down hill :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

i am sure a few have gone down there quick

It is possible to hit high speeds down windy hill as i witnessed as a youngster in the late 70s
when an F88 tipper & an F10 Tipper artic passed me like i was stood still they got to the bottom of the hill fine
and at the first exit the F10 swerved and rolled over spewing coal all over the carraigeway.
Driver got out ok and he and his mate said they had taken the stick out and freewheeled and revving the engine to keep the
air up.
So to answer your question 75mph was more than realistic for these two heroes.


take it you havnt been up the m74 northbound at cairn lodge? lol

I did that once… :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

I was doing night trunks to Inverness. Usually I had 3 or 4 pallets on me but that night I had 12.

I was using cruise control and as in Iveco is plugged together with retarder, it was usually enaugh to keep me in reasonable speed on that road down just before roundabout on A9 in Inverness…

But this night something was wrong… The vehicle was behaving very strange and I had problem to keep it driving straight.

What the hell - I thought to myself - do I have a puncture or what? Or maybe there is something wrong with steering?

I decided that no sudden maneuvres should be done and I moved gentle to the middle of the road (it was 4 am, I was only vehicle on the road) and started to brake very smoothly and softly. At this stage I looked at the speedo it was nearly 80!

I copied my tacho to show my kids one day how stupid was their dad when he was young… And you can’t see too often speed truck running over the last 125 km/h grade on the scale…

But I have to say: this was stupid, I blame my innatention and I would NOT like to do it again, as it was really scary…

Cruise Control:
i dont use the m62 often so wondered if that sort of speed is normal for you guys going down that hill

at that speed, on windy hill, my sphincter automatically start trying to grasp large chunks of seat cloth in fear… and yes, only once have I got up to that speed loaded in an artic going down windy hill … never again

Put simply it’s called gravity acting on a 30 tonne load

erm - it’s called illegal.

My mob has duramould tyres on most of the fleet. The super singles on the trailers are rated 160J = 62mph. Get caught over that then you’re not just speeding, you’re also breaking C&U Regs.

Mine does 94 km/h on the limiter. Obviously gravity on the hills takes over when you are descending, if I am travelling in cruise control mine automatically engages the engine brake to slow the truck down if it starts to pick up speed over 60mph. Even then fully loaded the truck wont hold back so what I find is good are them things you have called ‘brakes’. I don’t like going more than say 62 or 63mph downhill as I wouldn’t like to have to stop in an emergency like one of the tyres blowing. I am paid by the hour so even though you are passing a truck that decides to pick up speed and doesn’t hold back, then I let the idiot go.

When i did nights used M62 every night, and quite often i would fly down there and Brighouse, and cairn lodge is even better.

There was a time when we were driving at those types of speeds on the flat and some could even get close to that going uphill not down :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

I had forgot about life before limiters, i was once going a tad fast down the M6 and plod caught up with me, he just pipped his horn to warn me, and then off he went :laughing:

There was a time when we were driving at those types of speeds on the flat and some could even get close to that going uphill not down :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

ah the good old days sat at a steady 65 down the A1 M1 all day everday, the joys of mileage bonus :laughing: