Trucknet vacancy forum

Just wondered if anyone on here has been offered full time work via the vacancy section on trucknet ■■

I put an ad on a few months back and it was taken up by a couple of folks on here. One guy got a job on the strength of it ,unfortunately it didn’t work out and he left. If the job comes up again when work picks up I will again post it

I stopped looking at it when " dieselofdome " started spamming it with job center ads.

I got a job via the vacancy forum, and based on my experience of it, i would be very reluctant to work for a fellow T/net member again…

I think the guy must have been related to John Wayne and a Bank Robber in a previous life…

I applied to one on there and got a friendly pm back about it inviting me to phone and apply fo the job, but in between me sending the message and the reply I landed another job.

I have put a couple of ads on it for myself for work but got nothing. I see a few user names advertise there self quite often and the only real job i have seen is the english company based in belgium. And the guy up near bury st edmunds pulls for (ferry masters)puts one on here every now and then the rest just seem to be pulled from the job centre website witch most people had seen

Not that i need a job, but i stopped looking on there when most posters were not looking for drivers, but merely advertising themselves when looking for work. The drivers vacancies, should be only for jobs being advertised, but i guess thats down to the management.

As for the CM jobshite! Agency,Agency followed by Agency vacancies which we all know are ■■■■■■■■,non jobs! HTH :stuck_out_tongue: