Trucking satnav

Right here goes hope the mods dont mind this ive been contacted by a gps developer who is looking at produceing some software for trucks using the pocket pc format i have ask him and he oked me to put a poll on here to guage opinion as with there is enough interest in producing this software which would included

1 optimised routing for trucks

2 bridge heights

from what i understand it would be a plug for gps systems (ie tomtom copiolt etc only used as examples) on pocket pcs but would not include weight limits or width restrictions as the data on these changes to often but some way add this could be built in
this would be a csot extra add on from what i understand
so if you interested pls vote on the poll

I have voted Yes, but it would have to cover the EU not just UK.

You would think in this day and age that it would be standard equipment in most Trucks.

as yet theres only 2 systems for trucks and there around 2 grand a ppc system is more like around 500 and they are getting more popular the europe is not so muchan issue because of the 4m height limit where as the uk has alot more various height limits on major trunk roads

Yes, I would.

Can he update my tom tom software that i have just purchased along with the ipaq to view it!!!

Oh and dont tell the missus cos she will want to know whether it works when im 6ft under… :frowning:


sorry hi bridge i dont know yet as its all beig kept under wraps so i dont know any exact details other than what ive been told and that isnt much i have my suspuictions all i know is that it will be some form of plugin

excellent idea I’ve got siemens vdo system and would be handy if you knew where the low bridges were.

shouldnt be too difficult to put in weight limits on bridges as they would be a permenant limit

the problem with wieight limits is that theres so many variations and the data changes to much and to often

come on guy 159 views and 26 votes this stuff wil help do your job easier atleast vote to give you opinion

just bumpin it back up hehe :laughing:

Yes I would be willing to pay, its one of the first options I will spec on a truck as I will need it if I come over to haul on the mainland when I eventually go O/D.

Keep us posted. I have just looked at Tom Tom’s website and they are now doing a traffic and congestion plug in. Its available on three months free trial and subscription after that. I have traffic master in the car and i have often thought it would be a good idea to have something similar in the truck.

Oh and the missus has found out about me new toys. :confused: Hospital report to follow!!!.

Catch you all at the end of the week (unless i can make me ipaq work with me mobile!!! :question: )


Martin. :sunglasses:

highbridge it uses gprs and can be expensive the system is quite slow and is usually out of date youll need a blue tooth enabled mobile phone to get the data gprs most companies on doit on contract phones not on payg

…alix. Yep in addition to me toys i got meself a new nokia 6230 and it talks to the ipaq no probs. I am allready on contract so it aint to bad.

Down side?? im gonna have to do some serious grovelling at home :unamused:

Cheers mate


I voted no. Well someone had to :unamused: :unamused:

Seriously though, it’s not my motor. If the gaffer put it in I might use it, but as he won’t that is purely academic.

As with the motor, I don’t want an automatic thank you, I’ll stick to my A to Z’s.

Besides, pulling a flat I only have to worry about the cab which is about 12’ 6".

I voted no also.

Trucks here thet have Satnav have it suplied by the company but it is only used by Swift drivers (see IDIOT in dictionary). I am in a strange country but if I can’t find anywhere by means of a map then i may as well give up driving.
I can find my way anywhere in the UK without anysuch waste of money and 9 times out of 10 without looking at a map, I find I can now do the same here.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Especially if it did weight limits.

As for reading a map, yes, I can do that, but it’s nice not to have to try to read the map at the same time as driving, particularly at the “A-Z” level (i.e. “almost got to the client, now just need to find the specific road”) where I’m having to concentrate on small-street city traffic, pedestrians, etc., rather than the “road atlas” level, where it’s just the odd turning every now and then, where I’m pretty much OK.

Our company in the US uses a computerized routing softweare, and it’s just awful. Sends guys down slow 2-lane roads just to shave 10 miles off a 1000 mile run. Most drivers ignore the routing after they’ve been working for a month. Anybody who can read a map will do better. Waste of money.