Truckfest Scotland

OK, who’s going to Ingliston this weekend ?
I’ll be there Saturday with the Bairns :smiley:

Full report,on my desk, Monday morning :stuck_out_tongue: …well on here then :smiley:

I will be there too, weather forecast is good

am going

Going on Sunday :sunglasses:

Wouldn’t mind going,but am working.Any-one know if there is any where to park up close to Ingliston,as I would be there about lunchtime on both days and would need to take a daily rest period there. :question:

Could you not get by the airport?

I think some of the Trucknet members met up at the Justice For Drivers stall.
I think Ladytrucker was there.
I’ll drop by about 1 and see who else is there.

Not sure what the parking is like for trucks.
I think the show parking is £5 for a car.
Possibly the nearest place to park a truck for a rest period would be in or around Newbridge.
I’m sure someone will correct me.

You might be able to park where they have the Sunday market

I intend to be there. Helping out on the Justice for Drivers stand on Saturday. I’ll be back at work on Sunday…

I’ll be the one wearing a TruckNet UK shirt with Simon on it, sporting a rather, erm, “exuberant” beard :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: .

Thanks Simon,

See you Saturday and anyone else who cares to give us a visit

I would love to be there, but due to [zb] poor planning on my wifes part. I shall be returning from the USA at 8:30am on Sunday in to Glasgow. :laughing: :laughing:

Stinky, I expect pictures and if anyone is doing drive a JCB for a fiver keep him away from it. :laughing: He’s a menance.

Have a good one.

I’ll be there at 11am. Going with a friend and her kid so it’ll be interesting to check out the stuff for youngsters.

Thanks Simon,

See you Saturday and anyone else who cares to give us a visit

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I didn’t even know there was a stall this year! :confused:
For those that are going, enjoy yourselves.

Truckfest was good again this year.
I have posted a few pics in the Transport Picture Forum

