Truckfest Scotland- 2007

A few pics from today…apologies to dial-up users


Some recovery vehicles…

Some nice T-cabs

Some old 'Uns

Who says theres no money in trucking :slight_smile: Nice!!

Great pictures mate,

looks like it was a good day

some very nice pics there chap :sunglasses:

great pics, cheers

have you got any of the horse boxes in the background of the last pic, i see them a lot round the a14, they are always well turned out (cant remember the company, is it something like kells or something?)

great pics, cheers

have you got any of the horse boxes in the background of the last pic, i see them a lot round the a14, they are always well turned out (cant remember the company, is it something like kells or something?)

i agree they are niceley turned out they are from kelso the company name is eric gillie go to and check out all the pics from all uk truck shows this year

top pics there mate like the last2 t-cabs,what camera do you use them pics are really sharp

great pics, cheers

have you got any of the horse boxes in the background of the last pic, i see them a lot round the a14, they are always well turned out (cant remember the company, is it something like kells or something?)

Afraid not. Didn’t get near as many pics as I wanted to. I was dragged this way and that by my youngest who wanted to see the shows and Cilla the Gorilla who was with the Flying Gunners display team…I’m going to sneak away on my own next year… :laughing: :laughing:

top pics there mate like the last2 t-cabs,what camera do you use them pics are really sharp

It’s a Fuji Finepix E900 - ) magepixels - £150 from Sainsburys when I bought it earlier this year, probably a fair bit less now…

Glad you all anjoyed them :smiley: :smiley:

great pics, cheers

have you got any of the horse boxes in the background of the last pic, i see them a lot round the a14, they are always well turned out (cant remember the company, is it something like kells or something?)

and another few crackers from the show…

thanks for them pics bosjock, william nichol always look smart on the road as do charlie lauder, a real credit to the company

thanks for them pics bosjock, william nichol always look smart on the road as do charlie lauder, a real credit to the company

More than welcome! , Gillies is an absolutely stunning looking livery in reality. The Nichol and Lauder are beauties too but the one which done it for me was the Hislop fleet - truly cracking looking motors. Here’s some others worthy of some admiration -

Still a few more to sort out which I’ll post later…enjoy

great pics m8, really good keep em comin

Lovely picts
typical Scottish weather lol!

Lovely picts
typical Scottish weather lol!

Aye tell me about it Mick !! We were soaked and freezing. We went on the Sunday. Saturday was a belter of a day, complete opposite weather :frowning: