Truckfest 2007.................. am I the first?

to get photos on the web at

Yes you are ,willygofar! :laughing:
( more snaps;Ed )

more on already harry. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Good pics.

Thanks Kindle.

few more here

truckfest 2007

if your going tommorow dont bother looking . only met a couple of members as they were all off judging trucks :unamused: :smiley: :smiley:

cracking day and the weather held off :smiley:


Yes it was a good day and believe it or not we got sunburn. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Willy Gofar:
Yes it was a good day and believe it or not we got sunburn. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

So did the Missus - she’s like beetroot with a voice now :wink: :laughing: :open_mouth:

Jonah 1:

Willy Gofar:
Yes it was a good day and believe it or not we got sunburn. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

So did the Missus - she’s like beetroot with a voice now :wink: :laughing: :open_mouth:

(for legal reasons I now print a retraction of my last statement :blush: :cry: )

I didn’t mean it

Great photos mate i especially like the photos of the DHL trucks. They look like the Thetford boys really look after them…

We have the same trucks at our depot at hatfield but there not kept in that condition…

Only the other day one of our fine vehicles was involved in a minor prang and now has a lovely old omega blue oil access flap…

I wonder how that could of happened…

cracking day and the weather held off :smiley:

Then why is Lucy sitting underneath the word “Rust” in THISphoto.■■

:unamused: :unamused:

Good pics, both of you.

nice to meet you at last sean, good crack. :laughing:
same to biggus,. mrs thought you were funny as ■■■■. :laughing:
and of course the folk i already know
luce,rikki,lyndsey,rep,ange, anges ex, :laughing: :laughing: ,semtex,some ignoranus called montana man,didnt have the decency to say hello,even though we spoke last night. :unamused: .

johnny,good crack.

any one ive missed :blush: :blush:

then there was pat,good to talk to you at last face to face.hope the petition gets noticed.
obth pat, there was no way i was going to attempt that rope n sheet comp. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

and baz, leslie. nice to meet you at last m8,thanks for the barby,cracking scran

all in all a really good day out,the mrs and daughter are looking forward to shepton mallet allready. :laughing:

Only the other day one of our fine vehicles was involved in a minor prang and now has a lovely old omega blue oil access flap…

I wonder how that could of happened…

Bloody agency drivers. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: It is now back to yellow, the temporary panel was replaced last week when they found some yellow paint. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

,some ignoranus called montana man,didnt have the decency to say hello,even though we spoke last night. ::

Oy I spoke to ya you cheeky git , you were obviously pre occupied with the beers in Ricki’s hands :blush: :wink:

there i go again. :laughing: :laughing:

the mrs said i was getting a senile old git.

you may be right re-rikki and the cans of beer though.i,ll go for that excuse.

soz MM.

note to self===take more notice

there i go again. :laughing: :laughing:

the mrs said i was getting a senile old git.

you may be right re-rikki and the cans of beer though.i,ll go for that excuse.

soz MM.

note to self===take more notice

Happens to us all Tel :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Sorry we didn’t get a chance for a proper chin wag but I got dragged off on a secret Trucknet mission :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Was good to put a face to the name at least tho :open_mouth:

Now a very short video clip as well.

Willy Gofar:
Now a very short video clip as well.

[zb] me!!! Im a movie star :sunglasses:

(And ive still got my clothes on in this one :wink: )