Truckers worst nightmare

Ok upon arriving at work I found I was given a different unit for the day but being a professional driver I didn’t let the pressure get to me.
I found my allocated trailer and proceeded to do my rigorous daily checks on this new unit and discovered it wasn’t a normal don’t know I’m born auto box scania. (sorry im not a real man from the olden days that slept on a matchstick with just a carrier bag for a pillow) yes it was a 3 over 3 manual box to my horror!!!
Any way with just 4.5 hours driving time anjust 6ft clearance either side of the unit I showed all my skill and blind sided the unit round under the trailer with 1 wrong move spelling disaster Causing the driver next to me to pee himself laughing that is)
I hooked the trailer up and to my horror found the height of such trailer was 16ft 1" and the real men on tv have told me this is illegal as it’s over 16ft !!!
Again not letting the pressure get to me (and being a scouser I didn’t steel a thing or get my medallion or mustache caught in the lines)
I didn’t even get my already tea stained string vest covered in 5th wheel grease a proud moment in my career.
So into the unit I go again and stare at this stick thing with numbers on it 123 flick a switch half way down stick thing and get gears 456 all good
Anther switch on the top left of the said numbered stick.

All my question is what’s that 2nd switch for■■?
Is it like high and low 1st ect,

Yes more or less, if you struggling up a hill in say 5th, then flicking the switch down followed by a quick press and release of the clutch will effectively give you 4 1/2 rater than fourth.

Half gears, did you release some tyre pressure on the trailer to lower it by an inch please tell me you never took it out at 16"1? :slight_smile:

Nah, us old uns only get the pee taken, find yer own gears… :smiling_imp:

Cheers fellas

Why don’t you just drive the thing, try the switch and see what happens ffs :unamused:

Glad I no longer drive in anger …because if I had to replace the old girl with a new unit I would want one like I have always driven…With a real gearlever.
Never driven a modern one thats totally Auto…they were always for Grannies that were just steering wheel attendants in my youth.
Does anyone else think in the same way or am I the only dinosaur left.

peter s:
Why don’t you just drive the thing, try the switch and see what happens ffs :unamused:

I did that years ago when I first started driving. I had to pick an ERF up at about 11pm and take it to the garage for a night service. It had a dirty great yellow button on the dash and I couldnt resist pressing it to see what it did. I couldnt see or feel any difference. So I I kept pressing it. On arrival at the garage I asked the mechanic what it did. raises and lowers the axle mate. I often chuckle thinking of someone watching me and the axle going up and down as I drove a long.


Your a happy bunch rant ya

I prefer a manual to be honest feel like I’m driving that just not come across one of the above before

Now used to it and liking it tho

P.s no offence meant to the old hands out there I have full respect for you I did get a glimpse of what it was like back then when I used to tag along with my old dad ad a kid
Just a bit of humour that’s all

Where did you get the 16’ high bit from ? The maximum legal height in the UK is 16’6" because any overhead obstruction such as a bridge or cables under 16’6" needs marking as such. If a trailer exceeds 16’6" then special routing is needed.
Swifts and many others used to have trailers over 16’ 4" and I pulled a few over the years.

As said above the second switch is a splitter and effectively gives you 12 gears. 1 Lo 1 Hi. 2 Lo 2 Hi. Etc.

It’s for when you are struggling up the hill and the full gear lower is too much.

It takes a bit of getting used to the sequence but after a while you will get there.

Oh and I prefer a manual box at the age of 36 :-/

Pat Hasler:
Where did you get the 16’ high bit from ? The maximum legal height in the UK is 16’6" because any overhead obstruction such as a bridge or cables under 16’6" needs marking as such. If a trailer exceeds 16’6" then special routing is needed.
Swifts and many others used to have trailers over 16’ 4" and I pulled a few over the years.

The Last episode of ■■■■ and Trailers incorrectly suggested 16 ft was the legal max.


Pat Hasler:
Where did you get the 16’ high bit from ? The maximum legal height in the UK is 16’6" because any overhead obstruction such as a bridge or cables under 16’6" needs marking as such. If a trailer exceeds 16’6" then special routing is needed.
Swifts and many others used to have trailers over 16’ 4" and I pulled a few over the years.

The Last episode of ■■■■ and Trailers incorrectly suggested 16 ft was the legal max.

Oh right :laughing:
WTF it ■■■■ and Trailers ?

Pat Hasler:


Pat Hasler:
Where did you get the 16’ high bit from ? The maximum legal height in the UK is 16’6" because any overhead obstruction such as a bridge or cables under 16’6" needs marking as such. If a trailer exceeds 16’6" then special routing is needed.
Swifts and many others used to have trailers over 16’ 4" and I pulled a few over the years.

The Last episode of ■■■■ and Trailers incorrectly suggested 16 ft was the legal max.

Oh right :laughing:
WTF it ■■■■ and Trailers ?

Stobart’s program, makes for compeling watching. The suspense on will they make the delivery time is incredible, real on the edge of your seat viewing :smiley:

Thought it was Trucks and Tiaras :smiley:

peter s:
Why don’t you just drive the thing, try the switch and see what happens ffs :unamused:

lets hope james bond doesnt peruse these forums :open_mouth:

Pat Hasler:
The maximum legal height in the UK is 16’6"

when was that brought in? when i did my class 1 there was no legal height limit for trucks

To be fair i reckon the typical half a million mile 3 over 3 Scania has to be one of the most horrid modern manual boxes, new or with a good unworn linkage passable, but once worn when the synchros baulk hopeless…especially cold.
Would have made a good constant mesh box though IMO.

For some of us i suppose driving a manual is now getting to be unusual and that will be normal as the few remaining examples get snapped up by the sensible few operators (especially Africans) who try to avoid as much unecessary technology as possible.

For what its worth there’s only one auto box that i would opt for over the manual and thats Volvo.

Scania i’m 50/50 about, i’d probably opt for the 3 pedal auto, but in all cases i’d drive the auto in manual because left to itself it doesn’t have a clue at junctions or hill climbing, however driving the auto manually is such a pleasure as the switch is reliable and sensitive and the box repsonds immediately, the two pedal auto isn’t as good for general use when precise close manoeuvering is regular.

Most other makes and certainly any where the auto option is ZF/satans auto box i’d opt for manual every time.

Last really nice manual box i had was in a 460 CF Daf (did not want to lose that motor pulled like a train and a pleasure to drive), a lovely box which complimented the engine and offered superb constant progress, when fitted with the auto option this lorry like all others so fittted is ruined as a lorry drivers vehicle IMO…you can override the auto with this box but its not responsive or precise enough.

Give me an Eaton Twin Splitter any time… :smiling_imp:

I did that years ago when I first started driving. I had to pick an ERF up at about 11pm and take it to the garage for a night service. It had a dirty great yellow button on the dash and I couldnt resist pressing it to see what it did. I couldnt see or feel any difference. So I I kept pressing it. On arrival at the garage I asked the mechanic what it did. raises and lowers the axle mate. I often chuckle thinking of someone watching me and the axle going up and down as I drove a long.

hahahahaha :laughing: