Truckers Striking in Greece

Have read about this on the german site I use so i looked and
found these posts for people to read,

2;This one is a good postHERE

3; and last of all HERE

just been watching on the spanish news pete, 4 days so far :open_mouth:
no petrol in the garages food going short in the shops and near rioting outside the ministry of transport

looks rough they want the drivers to get their trucks back running
, this one good reason to avoid that area if possible, looks like the greeks
are in for a hard time ,

Just been reading some of the comments on the BBC news site from people who live there.
It appears the poor souls are upset because they can’t get fuel for their yachts,and one woman who lives on one of the islands is annoyed because it’s affecting her husband’s job.He’s a travel rep.

Perhaps this strike will enlighten people in the rest of europe just how vital trucks,and their driver’s,are in today’s consumer society.

What’s all the noise ad trouble all about? Sure the goods can (and should) be delivered by trains inland and by ships to all islands and places on the coast!
Who needs lorries? They stink, block roads and are dangerous!

We should be more like the F, err Greeks! :wink:

To be fair unrest in Athens is nothing new, the Police normally shoot a couple of protesters and the opposition party set a few bombs off on a weekly basis, it seems to attract tourists.

The company where my dad works had a motor go to Athens last week, he had no problems in Greece, only in Romania, he got fined £500 for having an overheight truck :open_mouth: (either an Actros or an R series Topline, i would guess the topline, as it has a cooler on the roof) theres another motor going there tonight, and dad is loading for there tomorrow. Both going overland so i beleive.

The company where my dad works had a motor go to Athens last week, he had no problems in Greece, only in Romania, he got fined £500 for having an overheight truck :open_mouth: (either an Actros or an R series Topline, i would guess the topline, as it has a cooler on the roof) theres another motor going there tonight, and dad is loading for there tomorrow. Both going overland so i beleive.

I got done there as I was leaving Romania. I was past Romtrans office and about to go onto the bridge to Ruse and they measured my truck it was 4.01 and on springs, it wasn’t 500 quid though, it was a couple of packs of ■■■■ I believe.

Don’t know where my previous picture has gone but it was of a copper beating a protester around the head several times, well several coppers actually…

Govenor said takes too long and expensive overland so going Ancona Patras now. Ive never heard of a truck being done for overheight before wheelnut, i think id have tried a couple of packs of ■■■■ as well.

Govenor said takes too long and expensive overland so going Ancona Patras now. Ive never heard of a truck being done for overheight before wheelnut, i think id have tried a couple of packs of ■■■■ as well.

The Romanians had no money, they would try anything to get some western currency, they don’t need to now since joining the EU and we just send it to them anyway :stuck_out_tongue: Driving into Bulgaria was like walking into the Ritz

When i went to Turkey it cost me 2x Whitesnake t-shirts and a couple of plectrums to get out of Bulgaria, mind you i was done with the carnet in 5 mins after my ‘gift’. The bloke on the turkish side wasnt such a Whitesnake fan, i sat for 11hrs waiting to get inoto Turkey! :unamused: