Truckers Nightmare on a Windy day

Look at the flex in the chassis :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


oooops…mind you,lucky it wasnt the other side

Going, Going… Gone!!!

I wonder if the Highways Agency put the Matrix signs on to ‘FOG’ :question: :unamused:

see the driver had come to a more or less stop when it went.

Never having had a wagon go over around me I don’t know the answer to this for sure but, assuming he had the space alongside would turning left (he was nearly stationary) and therefore presenting his back end to the wind (if you’ll pardon the expression :unamused: ) have kept him upright?
Or would there not have been the time, even for a quick thinker?
Just wondering. :confused:

Never having had a wagon go over around me I don’t know the answer to this for sure but, assuming he had the space alongside would turning left (he was nearly stationary) and therefore presenting his back end to the wind (if you’ll pardon the expression :unamused: ) have kept him upright?
Or would there not have been the time, even for a quick thinker?
Just wondering. :confused:

Depends on the direction of the wind. If the wind was coming from his 2 o’clock then the faster he drove the more chance of him being flipped, as it’s a part head wind. Slowing down would help a lot and so would turning to the right to try and face into the wind as much as possible. Turning to the left would only worsen the situation.

If the wind was coming from his 4 o’clock then the faster he was going, the better, as it’s a part tail wind. In this situation you should do the opposite of the above and turn left to travel downwind as much as possible. Turning to the right would only worsen it.

I think the answer would be to avoid bridges when it’s that windy…

i dont think i would be thinking turn left or right go faster or slower it would be wheres the door handle

im with you on that matt

matt f:
i dont think i would be thinking turn left or right go faster or slower it would be wheres the door handle


I’d be staying in the truck! If the wind strength is that severe that it can turn 10,000 kgs of truck over, then do you seriously think you’ll stay on your feet in it weighing only 1% of that ■■!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:

No, you’d be lifted off the ground like a piece of paper in a light breeze and deposited in the river 200ft below :open_mouth: .