Trucker pulls couple from car after accident … of_car___/

A WITNESS has told how he attempted to help the victims when he was first on the scene of a horror crash.

Truck driver Paul Smith pulled a couple in their 80s from the wreckage of their motorhome before going to the aid of two pensioners trapped in their car.

He was travelling west on the A31 when the head-on collision took place in front of him near Stag Gate at 10.45am on Tuesday.

Mr Smith, 48, from Somerset told the Daily Echo: “I jumped out of the truck and ran down the road. The motorhome was on its side and the man had fallen on to the woman.

“I managed to pull him out before getting the woman out and I did it as quickly as I could because oil and fuel was leaking from the vehicle and I thought it was dangerous.”

Mr Smith said he helped the couple to the side of the road before approaching two people trapped in a silver Citroen, three-wheeled convertible car.

“The gentleman was unconscious but the woman was speaking to me. She told me there was a dog underneath her feet and it was fine. I stayed with them until the emergency services arrived.”

The male driver of the Citroen is fighting for his life in Southampton General Hospital’s neurological unit and his wife is in Poole Hospital with serious injuries.

Police said the couple from the motor home were also taken to Poole Hospital following the incident.

Officers are still appealing for information about the crash and members of the public are asked to call PC 247 Loveless of the western traffic division on 101.

…and the dog??

…and the dog??

it was fine

The lorry driver was was then arrested at the scene… :wink:

The lorry driver was was then arrested at the scene… :wink:

What for Breaking and entering, Seriously Pat on the back for the driver :smiley:

No doubt this is one of those situations where some will say moving the vehicle occupants can cause more injury but I’m not one of those, based on the information given Paul went above and beyond here and should be praised for his actions and putting his own life at risk to save others.

I suspect he had to think quick and make an assesment of the likelyhood that the fuel leak could result in a fire and the camper vans occupants especially with the man lying on the woman should be removed from the vehicle.

The citroen occupants where no doubt in a more serious conditon and Paul comforted them at the scene whilst awaiting the emergency services.

Not sure what type of vehicle a 3 wheel citroen convertible is but looking at the picture the whole scene would have been a mess.

The lorry driver was was then arrested at the scene… :wink:

:grimacing: :slight_smile:

Not sure what type of vehicle a 3 wheel citroen convertible is but looking at the picture the whole scene would have been a mess.

Citroen lomax I’d think… Not nice to head into anything in!

Fair play to the driver, and speedy recovery to everyone involved.

Why appeal for information, it’s automatically the truck driver’s fault is it not…■■?

Why appeal for information, it’s automatically the truck driver’s fault is it not…■■?

He was first on the scene, not involved in the RTC.

Still no sign of albion1971 yet with his “the trucker was at fault” record.

Rob K:
Still no sign of albion1971 yet with his “the trucker was at fault” record.

It’s probably broken.


Not sure what type of vehicle a 3 wheel citroen convertible is but looking at the picture the whole scene would have been a mess.

Citroen lomax I’d think… Not nice to head into anything in!

Fair play to the driver, and speedy recovery to everyone involved.

Youch, indeed, there is nothing to them !!

Not seen one of those on the road for a very long time, the camper looks like a Bedford Rascal type sized one thankfully, another small light weight vehicle at least, can’t imagine the mess it would have been if it was a proper sized Camper !!


Why appeal for information, it’s automatically the truck driver’s fault is it not…■■?

He was first on the scene, not involved in the RTC.


Were the camper van couple not wearing seat belts as the occupant was on the other.?

Were the camper van couple not wearing seat belts as the occupant was on the other.?

I read somewhere it was a Daihatsu Hijet. Have you ever driven one? They’re only 4ft 6in wide, the driver is nearly touching the passenger when it’s shiny side up, never mind when it’s on it’s side. They fall over in the slightest side wind. Designed to work in Japanese alleyways, best place for them. Dreadful things, shouldn’t be allowed on main roads!

Initial TNUK CSI report?

Elderly driver of Hijet didn’t see low down three wheeler and drove into it■■?

What better opportunity to ban 3 wheelers: as well as cycles, tractors, road sweepers, construction equipment and anything else which is slower than the National Speed Limit. As per according to some dim wits on here!