In the old days when you tried passing another truck on the motorway people used to flash their lights to let you know your back end was clear, you pulled back into to 1st lane and gave indicator sulute ie 1 up 1 down 1 up one down…
very few do these days, such a shame
Pretend trucker spelling and grammar - appalling.
My back end is always clear thanks, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The indicator waggle isn’t from the old days at all, mid eighties that became fashionable i reckon.
In the proper old days the answer was a double flash of the side lights, or lights flicked off twice if at night, in both cases the second flicker slightly longer than the first, sometimes accompanied by the left indicator sometimes not depending on what was behind, and the overtaker would judge also whether the side lights could be seen if the sun as behind …see just like the old BSM adverts, thinking driving
note if you had proper Rubbolite round lenses they didn’t suffer with sun reflections so could be seen easily even in direct sunlight.
The flasher (ooer mrs) if at night wouldn’t flash main beam, they would switch dipped beam off momentarily instead, so as not to blind the overtaker.
You still see the old flash routines sometimes still but rare now.
I gave up flashing people in completely on Saturday, an increasing minority of juggernaut drivers using their very own personal middle lane for the entire journey.
It wasn’t in use on Saturday cos of the weekend closures on M6 jct6, but increasingly i find meself in my very own live hard shoulder running lane on the B’ham M6 sections, no point in flashing the middle lane hoggers in then as they’re stuck in the effective third lane instead
Still better than the pillocks who swing back in just as their arse end clears your screen
Course, when you met up in the transport cafe in those days, the drivers though strangers would have at least greeted one another if not have a proper chin wag over a cuppa, now you’re lucky if they arn’t glued zombie like to some bloody smartarse phone screen unaware of anyone real in the dire virtual world they inhabit, resplendent in sewn on hivis.
The indicator waggle isn’t from the old days at all, mid eighties that became fashionable i reckon.
In the proper old days the answer was a double flash of the side lights, or lights flicked off twice if at night, in both cases the second flicker slightly longer than the first,
an increasing minority of juggernaut drivers are using their very own personal middle lane for the entire journey.
increasingly i find meself in my very own live hard shoulder running lane on the B’ham M6 sections, no point in flashing the middle lane hoggers in then as they’re stuck in the effective third lane insteadStill better than the pillocks who swing back in just as their arse end clears your screen
I wasn’t going to contribute (sensibly) to this thread, for 2 reasons.
A It’s been done to death.
B. The o/p has proven in his previous posts that he’s a complete clown.
Seeing as you have made a couple of valid points Juddian, I’ve got to say I agree.
Wtf is all that about exactly?
When I was learning we were always told ‘‘Keep left except for overtaking’’ and 99.9 of truck drivers did just that, because in those days many of them were not useless sorry arsed specimens unlike now.
As for your second point, I’ve expresssed my feelings on that particular aspect of ■■■■ poor truck driving, too many times on here, so nuff said.
Robroy, really? i never knew you had experienced anyone pulling in too sharply having overtaken you…
As an aside, whilst talking indicators, what’s all this sequential ■■■■■■■■ that Daf have been fitting for the past year or so, like on some Aldi cars.
They’re utterly bloody useless, can’t be seen on a sunny day and far too camp to be fitted to a lorry.
TrUcKeR mOtoRwaY cURtAsy - mANnoRs
Flashing in is so from the 40s, 50s,60s,70s, and 1980s when old fashioned lorry mirrors were small and vibrated, in this modern age, it is every man for himself, I am alright Jack, sod everyone else.
There is no legal requirement to flash any motorist in, read the Highway Code on flashing the stupid head lights, if you want to spend 10 hours driving flashing every vehicle, from a motorbike ,caravan, van, car and lorry , then fill your boots and blow your bulbs .
Due to company health and safety procedure, you will not be allowed to repair your truck, in case you break it, and have not been trained .
■■■■ it up Buttercup .
One poster mentioned drivers do not speak to other drivers anymore at cafes and truckstops , that is so true .
The new breed of driver will now pull his or her cab curtains, as soon as they park up .
I have seen drivers of the same firm ignore their co-workers at their own truckstops that they own , head down, ignore all eye contact .
As an aside, whilst talking indicators, what’s all this sequential ■■■■■■■■ that Daf have been fitting for the past year or so, like on some Aldi cars.
They’re utterly bloody useless
Unlike the ones fitted to the Ford Thunderbird 50 years ago that actually worked great.