Truck Of The Year

Apparently it was Ivecos’ turn this year. What are the criteria and who do they ask? Personally I’d never choose an Iveco Eurocargo if it was gold plated.

The main priority is to ensure journalists are well fed and catered for,throw in a goody bag while lavishing more on advertising than your competitors.
Was a time I believed Mercedes would have won if they had turned up with a wheelbarrow indeed wish on occasions they had but is it a discredited
award probably perhaps a vehicle should have to be on the road,in use for several years before awards are given.But do YOU get excited at the
winner of Truck of the Year…you might be the only one…it’s a farce.

Apparently it was Ivecos’ turn this year. What are the criteria and who do they ask? Personally I’d never choose an Iveco Eurocargo if it was gold plated.

Are you an owner driver ?


Apparently it was Ivecos’ turn this year. What are the criteria and who do they ask? Personally I’d never choose an Iveco Eurocargo if it was gold plated.

Are you an owner driver ?

No, have had the unfortunate experience of driving one or two though.

Iveco won in it with the Stralis a few year back and it is up there with the worst truck ever built. I’d rather stick a garden shed on a skateboard as a truck.

People say iveco stands for…

It Vibrates Everything Comes Off

I just prefer… cheap plastic pish that breaks…

I’d rename the company CPPTB but it don’t have a ring to it I suppose.

I’m not a fan as you can probably tell.

Truck of the year is a Renault mate :wink: … -2015.html



Apparently it was Ivecos’ turn this year. What are the criteria and who do they ask? Personally I’d never choose an Iveco Eurocargo if it was gold plated.

Are you an owner driver ?

No, have had the unfortunate experience of driving one or two though.

So does your boss give you the choice of which make of lorry you would like to drive ?

Truck of the year is a Renault mate :wink: … -2015.html

Fugly truck, htf ■■?




Apparently it was Ivecos’ turn this year. What are the criteria and who do they ask? Personally I’d never choose an Iveco Eurocargo if it was gold plated.

Are you an owner driver ?

No, have had the unfortunate experience of driving one or two though.

So does your boss give you the choice of which make of lorry you would like to drive ?

No he buys Daf which is fine by me. It’s not Iveco at least.

Truck of the year is a Renault mate :wink: … -2015.html

According to the official website of Truck of The Year, its the Eurocargo.

The main priority is to ensure journalists are well fed and catered for,throw in a goody bag while lavishing more on advertising than your competitors.

You’re not too far off the mark fella. Not overlooking the fact that many of those on the judging panel have never driven a truck in anger (let alone slept in one) and it’s a fine institution that deserves immense respect . . .


Truck of the year is a Renault mate :wink: … -2015.html

According to the official website of Truck of The Year, its the Eurocargo.

thats next year mate haha

Renault Trucks’ T

Iveco Eurocargo

The Eurocargo is quite possibly the worst vehicle I have ever driven in my entire life.

My old guvnor decided to replace the DAF and MAN 7.5 fleet with them, on the back of picking up a brand spanking new demonstrator and driving it for about 20 minutes empty. He then hired a couple of 18’s (he has no class 2 licence)

Told him if he replaced my DAF with one, I’d go back on vans, or get another job.

Of all the previous ToTY winners (is winners the right word as the title goes around on a rota?), old Merc Actros’ are still around on the funfair, wearing their “Truck of The Year (97?)” sunvisors.

Truck of the year is a Renault mate :wink: … -2015.html

Well it can’t have won on its aesthetics.

Any truck with me in it, is truck of the year.

Apparently it was Ivecos’ turn this year. What are the criteria and who do they ask? Personally I’d never choose an Iveco Eurocargo if it was gold plated.

steered Middle Axle :question: