"Truck" magazine

Hi all,

Doing a bit of research and I am trying to find “Truck” magazine from the 1970/80’s which was published by the same group who published “Car” magazine which as far as I know is still in publication. It was this mag which got me into truck driving in the seventies seduced by a photo of a then, just introduced, Volvo F10. The mag always had a centre fold of a big truck in far flung places which was the trucking equivalent of a ■■■■■■■ centrefold to an impressional young lad like I was. It even featured a centrepiece photo of a truck I was driving once. It was a DAF 2100 rigid pantechnicon which I drove on my first overseas job in 1977 for Hamlet furniture based in Yate near bristol. The company logo was “Hamlet solid pine furniture” which in France meant something entirely different ,to the delight of many a French schoolchild! I will leave you to work it out.l All my copies of the magazine have been lost during many matrimonial upheavals which are the lot of most people in this industry. I remember there was a strip cartoon every week which always seemed to have a couple of old lags taking the ■■■■ out of some young wannabee with a transit who thought he was in “Convoy”.

I have tried on the net to no avail so if anyone can shed any light on this or has any links to it I would be eternally grateful.

Regards Steve

Hi there, TRUCK magazine was indeed published by the same firm that did Car, but went through several ownership changes afterwards. I was Deputy Editor at TRUCK in 2001 and knew that there were fully bound back issues stored by their respective years at the then-owner (we’d regularly leaf through the old issues looking at the reports on ‘new’ trucks like the comparison test between the Volvo F10 and the Leyland Marathon where the ‘completely unbiased’ tester came out in favour of the British lorry…). Unfortunately the magazine folded a year or so after I left, and in the interim the publisher changed hands once again so I’ve no idea who has access to old issues as TRUCK is a thing of the past and publishing has little room for nostalgia.

The only advice I could offer is:
Trawl ebay for back issues, or maybe ask on this forum.
Get in touch with Trucknet user newmercman as he worked at the mag the same time as me and has a fantastic memory - he’ll probably recall the article you refer to and will definitely share more light on the mag back in its glory days.

Hope you get sorted,


They are on ebay from time to time.

I have a load of truck mags from 70s 80s stored away at my mothers house, I was only in my early teens and was truck mad and bought the magazine every month.
The road test I remember was a red Volvo f10 in the colours of Avis rental I think that was the first of many truck mags I bought