Truck Magazine collection

Hi all,

If anyone is looking for a comprehensive collection of TRUCK from the titles inception please see the For Sale section. Need to get rid of them quickly due to a house move.



Pat Hasler in the US will maybe have them off you. He’s allus after UK trucking mags. Give him a shout.

Thanks for that Rob, whats the best way to contact him? There are well over 200 issues! Dread to think what the postage would be :smiley:

Go to the member list at the top and look for him in there. Probably quicker if you sort them by name.

Alternatively, look in the ex-pat’s forum, you’ll find his name in there easy enough and then just click ‘PM’ and send him a message.

For a complete set there will be 348 magazines - I have the set and believe me, they take some storing!

It cost me £90 for binders to put them all in, then another £80 for a bookcase because there was no space left on the one I already had.

Collection only runs up to the mid 90’s. Makes amazing reading when you look back over the years! Will be sad to see them go but needs must…