Truck crash in Pinetown

On Wednesday evening this week in Pinetown, Natal, a local truck carrying a 12m container came through an intersection at high speed killing 27 people and injuring many more, the video of the crash taken from a dash cam looks horrendous, unfortunately I do not know how to upload, it is quite shocking, they say the brakes failed on the truck !!!. its on

Jesus!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Surely you would of tried to slow it running into an embankment or crash barrier, wasn’t as if it was on a hill. Poor people didn’t stand a chance.

Surely you would of tried to slow it running into an embankment or crash barrier, wasn’t as if it was on a hill. Poor people didn’t stand a chance.

How do you know he didnt?
And it was coming down a hill, it’s called fields hill on the M13 so I read.

:open_mouth: the bloke with the dashcam is a lucky sod, another 10ft and it would have been curtains for him as well