Truck and Driver

What is going on at Reed Publishing they’ve already got rid of Truck are they trying to do the same with T&D ?

I mean it seems as if it getting thinner with every publication. And staying at the same price, I do enjoy a good read while waiting to load or on my break what with articles like cab kit test, the letters, legal matters and of course they have and Shobba but I’m am finding that I’ve finished it by the end of my 45 mins.

What is going on at Reed Publishing they’ve already got rid of Truck are they trying to do the same with T&D ?

God knows, T&D have been a loyal supporter/friend to TruckNet UK and I am loathe to criticise them, but I have to say that I find it strange that once you have a market leader publication, to devalue it to the extent that Reed have by lowering its pages is vrtually handing the top title to the opposition.

Truck & Driver has always easily won our Xmas poll for best trucking publication, and deservedly so, I still think the quality of the content is unrivalled, However this year it is trailing for the first time to Trucking. Is this because Trucking simply offers more the money?

If Reed are not committed to Truck & Driver, then maybe they should look for someone who is.

I make these comments fully aware that Reed may take it personally and withdraw sponsorship of this website, But I also am aware that the staff and contributors of Truck & Driver believe in the title and work tirelessly for it, and for the drivers who read it. and if the “SUITS” at Reed are killing it despite the best efforts of its staff then we as drivers should stand up and make a noise about it, and that includes TruckNet UK, I would rather lose the sponsorship and see a vibrant growing Truck & Driver.

Shobba is a God
all mere mortals bow down before him :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth:

I make these comments fully aware that Reed may take it personally and withdraw sponsorship of this website, But I also am aware that the staff and contributors of Truck & Driver believe in the title and work tirelessly for it, and for the drivers who read it. and if the “SUITS” at Reed are killing it despite the best efforts of its staff then we as drivers should stand up and make a noise about it, and that includes TruckNet UK, I would rather lose the sponsorship and see a vibrant growing Truck & Driver.

Does that mean TNuk isnt gonna sit on the fence anymore and say what it means?

Does that mean TNuk isnt gonna sit on the fence anymore and say what it means?

It means that I, as the managing director of the company that runs this website, would rather lose the money that Reed pay me if by speaking my mind as an individual the message gets through to Reed that they are hurting T&D

NO campaign,… just me as an individual voicing my opinion, and being aware that that opinion may have an effect on the company that I along with Lucy run…

oh and i thought it was just me! took about 30 minutes to read latest issue and i was NOT impressed at all - seems to me it has swapped places with trucking which i never liked before…

Picked it up on the ferry the other day and I had to pick up another to check as I thought the first one had pages missing or something. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Another point is that to place an ad in Trucking is quite a bit cheaper then the same size ad in T&D, circulation is about the same for both. Stopped buying T&D a while ago after it went on it’s “Diet”.

yeah same here for the price its not worth it.i used to buy it without even thinking about but now i look through it.and if not enough articles interest me i dont buy it

I also used to buy it regularly, but then started to realize that it was only good for a single visit to an RDC due to lack of content, and haven’t bothered for the last couple of months. I now tend to go for the ‘offers’ on paperbacks at MSA’s.

What amused me with T&D, when they had one, was the Legal Opinion section. I don’t know who they were using, but the amount of ‘fence sitting’ that went on was incredible. Paragraphs of quoted legislation that, by and large, lacked any conclusion. And they probably paid an ‘arm and a leg’ for it. At least on the forums here, although not from legal professionals, answers are usually researched and explained in common terms.

You pays your money (or not) and takes your choice.


I’m also loathe to critisize the T&D staff as they’ve helped me out in times past (a research project for work) … but Trucking is better VFM these days. :blush:

I still buy it but keep telling myself (45 mins later) that’ll be the last time. What I did notice somewhere in the last issue was a comment along the lines of “we are severely restricted to a set number of pages” or words to that effect (it was in the Letters page I think).

That to me was a pointer to exactly what Rikki said above; the staff are more than capable of producing a good mag but the ‘suits’ are putting the dampers on it (or keeping the ■■■■■ strings too tight)!! :unamused: :unamused:

Sorry TK Dave (and your staff) but tell us, is the ‘faceless suits’ that are ruining it?? Send 'em this link!! :imp:

We could all be to blame for its demise :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would we waste money on a very thin comic where the news is over 6 weeks old when we can get instant gratification from TN?

T & D have had problems for a long time in my opinion, either the suits dont understand what drivers want or they are too scared to change things.

I have spent a load of money on magazines over the years, but now only buy the occasional motorbike mags, at least I can make them last a fortnight

Stick with the headlight! :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Since it’s no secret that I’m T&D’s editor:

Reed won’t withdraw sponsorship because people voice their opinion

I’ve been asking for improvements to T&D for a long time however, as Rikki will know only too well, economic reality governs what we want and what we choose to afford. In its current form T&D is profitable - hence Reed publishing it - to add more pages and consequently increase costs would require more people to buy T&D to keep it in profit

You can also direct your comments to my bosses, their names are in the front of the magazine

Thanks to all of you who do buy T&D

I’ve been asking for improvements to T&D for a long time however, as Rikki will know only too well

I certainly do know this, and would like to reiterate that there is NO criticism of the standard of the articles, or of the staff on the magazine from me in any way.

T&D has always been the magazine that I have seen as “The Drivers” mag. far more so than the now defunct Truck or Trucking magazine.

But it cannot be denied that Trucking has more content nowadays and some drivers are starting to see Trucking as better value for their money.

I firmy believe that T&D should be the number one for drivers, and if something is seen from the consumer end as being amiss then maybe Reed’s bean counters should take note.

I sincerely hope that this thread is pointed out to the higher echelons in Reed towers, and they take note,

Truck & Driver deserves the best support possible from Reed to make it yet again the magazine of choice for us

I still buy it, and still enjoy the articles, but after finishing it I feel a little short changed, compared to the amount of content I used to get for the money.

I still buy both without thinking shall I or shall’nt I, however with the rising cost of magazines (I spend probably £30/month on mags-no not mucky ones!!) I will be forced to think about which ones give value for money. What has happened to long distance diary etc? What about us the drivers offering the mags some stories that we might all appreciate being shared. This web site is great but not all of us have the facilities to log for a read during the long dark hours of RDC incarseration, and a book or magazine is great. Coffeholics book was very good I thought, as are the classics such as Cola Cowboys. Maybe the mag could offer a prize for donated stories to the magazine, giving us the readers a good read, and the magazine a cheap source of material.

Remember things could be worse-you could all be farmers!!

Dave said:

to add more pages and consequently increase costs would require more people to buy T&D to keep it in profit

Chicken & egg, which came 1st scenario. Aren’t the drivers saying they’ve stopped buying it because it now lacks quantity of content? Therefor, stands to reason, fatten it up again & they will return, not to mention attracting new readers.

So you finish up with a better, more respected product, increased readership & therefor at least retain if not increase increase profitability.

Remember the best form of advertising is word of mouth.

I still buy and always will. Like others have said it used to be number 1 Trucking mag, well for me anyway, but now its not. :cry:
Annoyed as ive sent loads of pics into Picture Post and not one of them have ever got published, just sent back :frowning: ( this isnt why its not my favourite no more :slight_smile: )

Ive got Truck & Driver (and others) dating back to 1986, some are even older. I get more read out of the older ones then i do the latest ones! :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

I get Transport Engineer sent to me every month and have noticed in recent years that like T&D, that it also has undergone a ‘dietary regime’. Like T&D, the content is first class but, there ain’t much of it. Can we ascribe this to the forces of the Internet? I can remember some 20 years ago, when the advent of the computer would herald the paperless office, and that net access would lead to the demise of the printed media.

Well it hasn’t happened yet, in either field, and nor is it likely to in any of our lifetimes, but the effects cannot be ignored.

I can remember when I first came to TNUK, all those x :smiley: years ago, that quoting from T&D was a valuable asset in answering queries from contributors. Over the years, I would suggest, the roles have been transposed, and TNUK has grown, not only in numbers, but also in knowledge and expertise, to the extent that it is now not only self-sustaining as a knowledge and news centre, but also generates copy for the printed media. No disrespect to Dave, to whom I myself have sent links to possible items of interest, but the fact that he picked up on this thread so quickly implies that he, and colleagues within his profession, look upon TNUK, not as a threat, but as a parallel media which it would be unwise to ignore.

As Dave explains to us, T&D is profitable in its current form. Make it any larger and it will get heavier. And if it gets heavier, then those ■■■■ overpaid truck drivers will want more to haul it around the Country. :unamused:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: