Trouble with seafrance

On the seafrance site is a information report about strike action on there ships,and the possible long waiting times for a trip to either get home or to france, 2 ships have given notice of strike action,and two ships are being
re-fitted with one of them comeing back to work at the end of the week,

The main strike is supposed to start from 13thApril2115hrs and last until
15thApril0830hrs .we will just have to wait and see, but at least this company has the decencey to put a notice on its site andso inform all of its customers,this for me shows a better appreciation of truckers than
a other ferrycompany, which because i am a diplomatic person will not
mention its name, as this co, is not so informative,

stuff sea france stick to british company. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

would be nice to stick to a british company,trouble is P&O cant hold a light to seafrance(my humble opinion).

You are quite correct as i have had the pleasure of being messed about
by the ZEEBRUGGE terminal when useing it,

peter cherry:
would be nice to stick to a british company,trouble is P&O cant hold a light to seafrance(my humble opinion).

typical english they can mess up even the most easiest off jobs or anything for that matter.