I’d just like to take an opportunity here to pay a tribute to the Flikr website. I have just revisited, for the umpteeth time, Flikr’s Motor Panels Pool: this site is second to none for pure quality and an array of stunning pictures. I keep reminding myself that we must never take websites like this for granted. My personal thanks go to those who have created it, and I’m sure many would join me in those thanks. Long may it continue! Robert
I’ll agree with you on that Robert, i’ve used Flickr for many years and it’s a well run and not over complicated site to use for storage or browsing, it is part of Yahoo i believe.
Under my name, to the left of this page, you will see the link to mine, pic’s from my motorbike travels here rather than purely trucks, although the odd one does get included.
Totally agree Robert mate.I much prefer it over face book.
Here’s a link mine.
i always find i cant save or forward any pics from flickr-is it a copyright thing?
i always find i cant save or forward any pics from flickr-is it a copyright thing?
Essentially, yes; and that’s why we mustn’t take them for granted! Robert
Have posted quite a few on Flickr HERE
i always find i cant save or forward any pics from flickr-is it a copyright thing?Essentially, yes; and that’s why we mustn’t take them for granted! Robert
Without wishing to ‘‘rain on your parade’’ it really p******s me off when people download and copy my photos off Flickr!..that’s why I’ve used the privacy setting to hopefully alleviate the problem. I’ve put them on Flickr for people to look at, not copy and sell on Ebay or post on another website!..if anyone wanted a copy of the photo I’d happily send them one ( I’ve done this many times ) but I would at least hope they had the decency to ask before ‘‘lifting’’ it first.
Mark R:
Without wishing to ‘‘rain on your parade’’ it really p******s me off when people download and copy my photos
Says you when you have downloaded a Peter J Davies picture here
Let anyone on Trucknet who hasn’t posted the odd one cast the first stone.
Mark R:
i always find i cant save or forward any pics from flickr-is it a copyright thing?Essentially, yes; and that’s why we mustn’t take them for granted! Robert
Without wishing to ‘‘rain on your parade’’ it really p******s me off when people download and copy my photos off Flickr!..that’s why I’ve used the privacy setting to hopefully alleviate the problem. I’ve put them on Flickr for people to look at, not copy and sell on Ebay or post on another website!..if anyone wanted a copy of the photo I’d happily send them one ( I’ve done this many times ) but I would at least hope they had the decency to ask before ‘‘lifting’’ it first.
That’s a tricky one isn’t it,I see where your coming from,you’ve taken the trouble to take the picture and other people ‘steal’ it. To sell it is wrong but is reposting? Where is the line drawn?
There are a couple of pics on here of old family motors,I could say it’s wrong,it’s their pic but it’s our wagon so what to do?
Just to clarify,I have no problem with our wagon’s being posted on the net as I know Uncle doesn’t…if someone is profiting though then we’d love to add to our pension
Either way,it makes the site that people take the trouble to take the pics,and to post them here,wherever they’re from.
Good talk at Gaydon btw Robert.
Regards to all
Most of the photos on my site I have taken at shows and I dont mind if anyone wants to copy one or two I put them on sites like flikcr for the benefit/sharing of those who dont/or are unable to get to the shows,not a problem and thanks robert1952 for the original coment.
If you like please have a look at my photostream:
Mainly southern europe and south america.
Updated every few days.
Mark R:
i always find i cant save or forward any pics from flickr-is it a copyright thing?Essentially, yes; and that’s why we mustn’t take them for granted! Robert
Without wishing to ‘‘rain on your parade’’ it really p******s me off when people download and copy my photos off Flickr!..that’s why I’ve used the privacy setting to hopefully alleviate the problem. I’ve put them on Flickr for people to look at, not copy and sell on Ebay or post on another website!..if anyone wanted a copy of the photo I’d happily send them one ( I’ve done this many times ) but I would at least hope they had the decency to ask before ‘‘lifting’’ it first.
you’re not “raining on my parade” at all.i wouldnt dream of lifting someone elses pic to sell on ebay.
i like to use pics of a particular subject for reference when building models,thats all…
i didnt know it was acceptable to ask the owner for a copy.i’ll bear that in mind in future,thanks…
It’s not an easy subject, I know. I have posted hundreds of my own photos (many of them ‘professionally taken’ for potential use in trade magazine articles) on TNUK and although I hold the copyright to them all, I don’t mind how they are used, especially within the THUK forums, so long as they are enjoyed by students of the transport industry, old-time drivers and operators, truck-anoraks, etc etc (and I fall into all those categories). I have also created dozens of stimulating threads, which TNUK folk have clearly enjoyed, by being a bit cavalier with pictures from other sources. In the end, it’s a matter of common-sense: never over-plunder sites, always acknowledge sources where possible, only use pics to emphasise a point on threads, never use them for financial gain and always give any information that the original poster of the picture gave if possible. To sum-up, if you are not seeking to rip anyone off, you should be OK, but never for a moment suppose that you are dodging copyright laws. Hope this helps! Robert
thanks robert
Not really bothered what people do with my photos have seen people use them before but they always add my name so no harm done
Yes Robert have to say Flickr is a great site with lots of great people and photos
My flickr page mostly just random things flickr.com/photos/127344832@N06/
Hi, have to agree that flickr is brilliant. If I’m surfing the net and see a great truck picture or a nice car im guilty of adding them to a dedicated album on my flickr page but it is only done to share them with like minded fans of these things in no way to claim them as my own.
Robert your album is great, so many good pictures, and irishlorries I have just realised ‘who you are’ as it were! Ha ha! (Patrick on flickr!)
But yeas, flickr for me is the leader in finding and sharing the best pictures out there.
Thanks, stew.
Prior to joining trucknet Aug 2010, I had a collection of 1000s of truck/lorry photos harvested from the internet, purely for my own perusal. I had total disregard for whose photos they were, after all they were “available” and I built an album, instead of buying lorry books, (a page is a page in a book), on the computer, images can be be enlarged and tweaked in many ways for enhancement, for me books were on the way out.
My first postings were on Scrapbook Memories and lasted for over a year. I wanted to share my “collection”, non of the pictures I posted were mine and I fell foul of the copyright police, one member in particular more or less“hounded” me from that thread and hey another member even accused me of stealing other peoples photo images, me a thief, didn’t like that.
I decided to study the copyright laws, in doing so I came across Creative Commons and the license(s) that allows image use by third parties, I decided to start a thread Past Present and in Between in Pictures.
On flickr for instance, All Rights Reserved means just that, unless you seek permission for use from the owner of the picture. Some Rights Reserved is chosen by image owners who wish to allow others to use their stuff see here creativecommons.org/examples
When you go flickr looking for photos go to right side of page and underneath the image will be a date and the Some Rights Reserved licence the owner has chosen, click on it and a new page will open telling you what you can do with the image. When abiding by the CC rules and using images under the Some Rights Reserved you must attribute the owner’s name and licence details to the image.
When I started Past Present and in Between in Pictures, and with regard to copyright protected images, I wrote to quite a few(26) people (UK and abroad) asking permission to use their pictures on Trucknet, the response was extremely positive, most thanking me for asking, some even suggesting other links I could visit and use.
I have a few lorry books that I wanted to scan from and wrote to the publishers, all replies negative, reasonable response as the internet is seen by them as a threat. With regard to using images from publications, again in some cases there can be a bit of a grey area as to who really does own the image specially with regard to original photo date, publication date also comes into it.
My own flickr.com/photos/oiltreader/ well I am delighted when others favour my takes and pleased when I see them posted elsewhere with attribute.
Hopefully putting this together has been worthwhile and to Robert (robert1952) and anyone else interested, I can point you in the direction of a few more places on the web for photos you can use.
A very interesting post there, Oily. Cheers! Robert
sorry harry should of linked it to my profile
Take a look at this thread here on Trucknet which has to be without doubt one of the best truck collections on Flickr