been in my job 5 months now and have been told that i am on a 12 month trial period,is that right,the most i have been on is 90 days,anybody know about this?
yes i had it at a firm and after10 months they let me go because my last monthly assessment did not reach their required standard . Always check your contract of employment,because they always can find a way to shaft you
I once worked on a 3month contract that was just meant to be for Xmas then after they offered me to carry on because I was ‘good enough’. I declined & they asked why, told them I’d already lined up another job. Be ready to go incase they don’t ask you to carry on…
Would be worth checking for definite, but I wax told by my accountant when I used to employ people that 3 months was the longest trial period possible under law.
Would be worth checking for definite, but I wax told by my accountant when I used to employ people that 3 months was the longest trial period possible under law.Gary
cheers Gary,that is what i thought.
Didn’t think there would be a limit. I’d also have thought that it’s not a trial period, it’s a probationary period. If you fall foul of any rules or indiscretions then you can get the push.
I think its now 2 years in which any employer can say bye bye for any reason they wish to come up with so in effect that is a 2 year trial period
I think its now 2 years in which any employer can say bye bye for any reason they wish to come up with so in effect that is a 2 year trial period
This ^
haggis eater:
been in my job 5 months now and have been told that i am on a 12 month trial period,is that right,the most i have been on is 90 days,anybody know about this?
As you can be dismissed without reason in the first 24 months of employment since a change in the law last April, effectively you’re on a 24 month trial.
Didn’t think there would be a limit. I’d also have thought that it’s not a trial period, it’s a probationary period. If you fall foul of any rules or indiscretions then you can get the push.
I know that firemen & police officers have a 2 year probationary period
But yep a change in the law states they can terminate your contract any time within 2 years with out notice
Year into the company I work for… had a few bumps in the wagon (first job) and passed the 3 month trial period (which they extended for another 3) then got onto distribution and now moved up from 7.5 to 18t to 26t + ADR
But always been willing to help if another driver / management has to go pick car up etc or take someone to get a wagon which is basically route home
Get another job & tell them they failed your trial period. Cheeky bleeders.
haggis eater:
been in my job 5 months now and have been told that i am on a 12 month trial period,is that right,the most i have been on is 90 days,anybody know about this?
I’ve had them extended over the years for various indiscretions,3 month trial turned into 6 months etc etc,one was for not turning up for o/t on a Saturdays,used to go out Friday night with good intentions of a orange juice/coke or two and get hammered ,never bothered going in,warnings,extended trial,but in the end we just decided it wasn’t going to work so we parted ways
Thank god for the tories eh? It wouldn’t do to have sensible laws to protect employees would it? Gits!