Hello fellow drivers,
I need some reviews and advice about Trg logistics Warrington
Any one of you got any experience with them?
How are they like? How do they deliver on work they dish out?
Thanks maties
they not to bad to be fair they had/got a contract in tesco fradley park long assessment and theory test think the money worked out about £11.56 p.h and you got paid fortnightly not weekly kit was ok too,ur paid threw a umbrella they say its not but it is,but the only work we did was tesco which is easy anyway,once that cage hits the dock or pavement its theres,and we was getting good hours every day 6 days a week all 13s and 15s …so in all they ok …good luck
Currently they’re offering work in the Preston area, anybody know where? , you think if I ask they will tell?
no harm in asking
Currently they’re offering work in the Preston area, anybody know where? , you think if I ask they will tell?
Its Montgomery at Bamber Bridge I think.
They are slowly taking over Recruitment in loGistics…
All I will say is search the forum for TRG and see what comes up! They are an agency, and that should tell you all you need to know!
I’ve searched. Nothing comes up. .
I want to know about the Warrington branch.
Also the info on Montgomerys is old too
If they’re just an agency, why do they have the word ‘logistics’ in their name?!
They have their own motors & doesn’t TRG stand for ‘The Recruit Group’ or something…!?
If they’re just an agency, why do they have the word ‘logistics’ in their name?!
SOME say…
“The first word that comes out of an agency should be a bare-faced lie.”
“Logistics” therefore fits the bill quite nicely, and isn’t therefore out of context.
They don’t own any trucks, are not a haulier, and are not even owned themselves by a British company. They do have lots of lawyers though, and prefer to be known as LLP at the top end. They need to keep all the fringe tax dodges legal you see, like Starbucks, Amazon, and the other yank companies that have got their hands up the UK skirt without paying anything much back…
On the other hand, if you work for them, you too can get pwned as the yanks say with regards to your own taxes…
I’ll leave it to your own judgement as to which particular American faction supplies all the lawyers…
I’ve searched. Nothing comes up. .
I want to know about the Warrington branch.
Also the info on Montgomerys is old too
Well I had a bad experience with them over Christmas and New year. As a result I will never work for an agency again! They may deliver what they say for a while, or if you are willing to take crap shifts. Just don’t believe the phrase “guaranteed, ongoing contract” which was what we were assured of when we signed up for a job working for Sainsbury’s at Waltham Point! Work just dissapeared after Christmas and I then spent 2 months trying to find out what was going on, only to end up getting a letter telling me my employment had been terminated! No explaination and no offer of alternative work even though they were still advertising the non-existant contract a month after!! As alot will tell you on here all agencies are lying , cheating scum!!
You can be suspicious of any “ongoing contract” when it’s anything from 0 hours to twelve weeks in duration.
“You’re gonna be gone by week 13 at the latest” - in other words.
A REAL ongoing contract would sign you up for at least a year, so they’ve got your services even in the busy periods where you might be otherwise tempted to work elsewhere.
The mis-used phrase makes people think of “Armed Forces SIgnups” - but of course it shouldn’t.
@ Winseer
I’m becoming a fan of yours.
There might be many more like you on this site , but you definitely say as it is.
No hiding behind carefully chosen words, so not to offend companies out there, and that’s how things should be on these boards, say as it is.
Too many people are afraid of saying anything that would put some dodgy companies, agencies in bad light, those that complain and tell the truth are quickly shot down buy others that some reasons would want to keep negative posts out of here.
It is the only way, we, drivers can warn other fellow drivers of dodgy practices served to us by some dodgy companies, agencies.
There should be threads in here about every company and what people have to say about them and possibly some rating done by employees, if it collects too many , say red coloured votes, it’s a dodgy place to work for, if say, green votes, it is a place that treats drivers right.
That’s what all these companies do to us, they rate us and inform each other about us, drivers, and believe it or not, very often references that they give when you change a job are not fair on us , drivers/employees.
People should be more open at exposing crooks out there, and not be afraid that they somehow might be prosecuted by some company’s lawyers for telling it as it is.
You are only giving your opinions, telling as things are, trying to warn others, that’s all it is.
Keep up the good work Winseer.
Take care
@ WinseerI’m becoming a fan of yours.
There might be many more like you on this site , but you definitely say as it is.
No hiding behind carefully chosen words, so not to offend companies out there, and that’s how things should be on these boards, say as it is.
Too many people are afraid of saying anything that would put some dodgy companies, agencies in bad light, those that complain and tell the truth are quickly shot down buy others that some reasons would want to keep negative posts out of here.
It is the only way, we, drivers can warn other fellow drivers of dodgy practices served to us by some dodgy companies, agencies.
There should be threads in here about every company and what people have to say about them and possibly some rating done by employees, if it collects too many , say red coloured votes, it’s a dodgy place to work for, if say, green votes, it is a place that treats drivers right.
That’s what all these companies do to us, they rate us and inform each other about us, drivers, and believe it or not, very often references that they give when you change a job are not fair on us , drivers/employees.
People should be more open at exposing crooks out there, and not be afraid that they somehow might be prosecuted by some company’s lawyers for telling it as it is.
You are only giving your opinions, telling as things are, trying to warn others, that’s all it is.
Keep up the good work Winseer.Take care
Definitely agree with you mate.
The thing to remember about all sides of the business is that agencies CAN be fine - providing you’re not lied to.
If you’re offered a single shift 10 hours @ £12 per hour, you’re not going to moan because it’s a zero hour contract, and therefore very much “only for today”.
The hourly rate makes up for the lack of longevity. I’m quite happy doing 10-15 hour shifts all the time, odds and sods don’t bother me. 2x15 one week, 4x12 the next, 3x10 the week after that.
I actually set out to do 2-3 days per week, but at present, I’m flat out having to squeeze days off in where I can.
I’m quite shocked by how little full timers seem to get these days - with all the banging on by the full time driver that “full time is cushy, agency is crap” one reads on these forums nearly every day.
I left a full time job because the pay was in the process of collapsing. During the same period, agency pay had already been stagnant for a while.
In any future economic upturn, it will always be the short-dated contracts - the stock and trade of agencies - that respond first to upward price pressure.
Why? - Because if EVERY haulier in the country started offering top dollar contracts tomorrow - it would be a drop of a hat to pick up a shift or block of shifts from an agency (eg. you could be in the same day) but if applying for the same hourly rate at a full time venue - you’d find the process takes weeks and weeks, and that’s assuming they can be arsed to let you know if you got the job or not. Basically, all the lying and cheating kinda moves away from agencies towards full time employers ONCE the upturn is strong enough.
TRG are not one of the good agencies, because they lie to you. They lied to me, and that was despite a number of specific questions being thrown at them by me.
I asked them if their umbrella they insisted upon you joining was “free” - Well, they said it IS free because of the taxes it saves you. That’s a lie, because it still cost about £27 per payslip, and if you only do one shift a week as I do sometime, that’s a MASSIVE percentage out of a day’s pay.
I asked them if the “ongoing shifts” being offered to me in late November 2011 were going to last into the new year - “Erm. well the work drops off a bit after Christmas” I was told. They were offering 40+ hours “guaranteed” - but of course only for the 4 weeks leading upto Christmas! They could have just told the truth and said “We’ve got a 160 hour block of work for you if you want it, then nothing in the new year” - but people like me would just say “f— that. I’m off to work at the parcels depots over crimble instead, because they won’t bullcrap me about!”
I ended up doing zero hours total for TRG, but lots of hours for FedEx & Yodel which I enjoyed. I also find myself doing a lot of odd shifts at both firms even during the “non school holiday” times like right now…
I’ve been contacted asking “How can we make it better?” and I think I’ve replied something that can’t go into print without me being accused of what Mel Gibson got accused of.
Drop “just in time” and “race to the bottom” business models in favour of proper capitalist ones. Easy to hire. Easy to fire. Top dollar for those that make the cut. Out the door for those that don’t.