Transporting Empty Gas Bottles, (On Van Trailer)?

Anyone know how many EMPTY gas bottles you can transport on a van trailer without the hassle of ADR etc??

We need to get rid of some from work to the recyclers but I’m asking in case there’s any ADR rules involved.

We move 3 gas bottles at one time 47 kg max each .

I know we have only one 47kg one, all the others are 11 or 13kgs…

Looks like there could be quite a few trips involved then…

What company are they from?

ring a local supplier and tell them how many you have “found” chances are they will buy them back. or at least discount on refills

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If one bottle is a 47 kg propane chances are someone’s paid approx £38 deposit on it ,but not sure if you’d need the origional paper work .

Anyone know how many EMPTY gas bottles you can transport on a van trailer without the hassle of ADR etc??

We need to get rid of some from work to the recyclers but I’m asking in case there’s any ADR rules involved.

Hi Goldfinger,

I’m afraid that there are some ADR rules involved.

I’ll assume that there will be a negligible amount of gas in the cylinders, so it’s best to play it safe and stay within the ADR exemption limits. The ADR exemption limits depend on which kind of gas was in these empty cylinders.

You haven’t said which kind of gas is involved, but your mention of 47Kg tends to suggest that it’s Propane.

If I’m correct, then you need to remember that the empty weight of the actual cylinders is disregarded for ADR purposes.

You can carry up to 333Kg of Propane without an ADR licence, so that would be 7 X 47Kg cylinders = 329Kg
Any combination of cylinder sizes (47s, 13s and 11s) is OK as long as the total per vehicle per trip does not exceed 333Kg.
The 333Kg I’ve mentioned counts for Propane and/or Butane because ADR treats both of them similarly.

If you keep to 333Kg (or less) per trip, all you need is 1 X 2Kg dry powder (or equivalent) ADR compliant fire-extinguisher and some documented ADR awareness training.

If you exceed the 333Kg limit, then you’d need an ADR licence, orange plates and a load of other requirement would all kick-in at the same time.

:bulb: If it’s any other kind of gas, then the ADR limit might be different.

A lot of 'sort it recycle centres ’ won’t touch them.
As someone said ring a local bod but some will only remove them F O C if you don’t have the relive the paperwork.

I have been on the look out for some of these, was wanting to make a wind chime, they have a nice sound to them.

Stick em on evil bay, lots of welders make them into log burners. I’ve got one but I could do with another if you’re chucking em, especially the 47KG ones.

i was always under the understanding that they are always the property of the supplying company ,i.e. calor,flo gas etc and if called they will pick them up

youre correct. any calor flo gas etc bottles should be returned to a retailer or the gas supplier themselves.

No names, no pack drill. :wink:

I’ve removed a post containing a commercial advert for breach of forum rule #5 on advertising.

Genius DD!!! :grimacing:

They’re a mix of bottles of only propane and a few butane bottles. NOTHING else luckily from what you’ve said.

They’re mainly from Flo gas, Mac gas and Shell gas BTW too.

In that case, as others mentioned, they’re legally the property of the bottle company.

In that case, as others mentioned, they’re legally the property of the bottle company.

Yes, but they are not coming to knock on your door to get them back. Calor take the ■■■■, not returning the deposit after two years, even if you have the agreement. And wont let you swap sizes any more either. So now if you need a different size bottle, you need to pay again, and don’t get your mo ey ack for the redundant size bottle.

Sell them or give them away. Don’t return them to the supplier.

usually snapped up by people on caravan forums.

I’m on a caravan forum too, maybe I’ll ask there…

Calor though, seems to be preferred now though as their prices are fixed by them, not the actual seller…

the nodding donkey:

In that case, as others mentioned, they’re legally the property of the bottle company.

Yes, but they are not coming to knock on your door to get them back. Calor take the ■■■■, not returning the deposit after two years, even if you have the agreement. And wont let you swap sizes any more either. So now if you need a different size bottle, you need to pay again, and don’t get your mo ey ack for the redundant size bottle.

True, but the OP was asking about taking them to a “recycler” (which I assume to mean “scrapyard”). Scrapyards are unlikely to take them as it would constitute receiving stolen goods.

I mean literally the local refuse recycling point (council one).

We’ll get a ‘commercial’ waste permit, take them there and let them sort it out…