Transport Depots NMU(1953)LTD

Could I please ask If any members have any pictures of the NMU depots at Wiggington Road York and Brandon Road London or any of the other depots at Trafford Park Manchester or Birmingham, any Info on any of the depots I would appreciate , plus any of the Rowntree’s Mackintosh depots Info, would also be appreciated, NMU where not only the contractor for Rowntree/Mac but many other large companies also, I am in the process of writing a book on NMU Its depots Its drivers Its lorries the object Is to keep the memory of NMU alive In print, any help would be appreciated , these older companies paved the way for today’s companies. On the map the location of the Old NMU London Depot marked with arrow, the old London Rowntree Depot was located In the road to the right (un named) between Brandon Road and Blundell Street, you will note the road bends slight Rowntree road just off bend depot was in the blank area with the old rail line into the depot, just on the bend was the old watering hole for the boys The Albion Pub. Picture of eight leger outside London Depot Brandon Road





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My dad worked for NMU in the late 60s operating out of Rowntrees in Newcastle, dont know if they had a depot in Newcastle or if they just operated out of Rowntrees.

Could I please ask If any members have any pictures of the NMU depots at Wiggington Road York and Brandon Road London or any of the other depots at Trafford Park Manchester or Birmingham, any Info on any of the depots I would appreciate , plus any of the Rowntree’s Mackintosh depots Info, would also be appreciated, NMU where not only the contractor for Rowntree/Mac but many other large companies also, I am in the process of writing a book on NMU Its depots Its drivers Its lorries the object Is to keep the memory of NMU alive In print, any help would be appreciated , these older companies paved the way for today’s companies.



Thanks, NMU had a presence at most Rowntrees depots for servicing ect , thanks again nice to know.
