Transport companies in devon area

does anyone know what companies are located down the devon area paignton area or within 30miles of paignton thanks

Gregory’s have depots at Collumpton and North Tawton.

Gregorys in Okehampton/Cullompton & more
Bryan Haulage in Okehampton
Parsons in Exeter
Thompsons at Moretonhampstead
Hottot at Bovey Tracey
M Way has lorries based near Newton Abbot ( took over Eggbeers a couple of years ago)

& lots more around the area

there’s even Yell.COM

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Torbay freight are down that way as well

Loads in Exeter

Loads in Plymouth
depends what you are looking for

Brit European

thats a couple of plymouth ones off the top of my head