Transit van drivers and WTD

Greetings all…

Q? on WTD.

We run a fleet of 3.5t vans where fitters use these all week and apart from say Mondays and Fridays they use the van to go to their jobs ( anywhere nationally)

My question is can I class that particular job they’re on ( changes each week ) as their place of work and thus eliminate the need to log any working time hours for these guys?

a typical week might be pick up goods on Monday , travel 3 hours to job , stay locally all week and travel back to base on a Friday.

The last thing I want to be doing is gathering WTD hours for these guys.

Any views on this appreciated.

Greetings all…

Q? on WTD.

We run a fleet of 3.5t vans where fitters use these all week and apart from say Mondays and Fridays they use the van to go to their jobs ( anywhere nationally)

My question is can I class that particular job they’re on ( changes each week ) as their place of work and thus eliminate the need to log any working time hours for these guys?

a typical week might be pick up goods on Monday , travel 3 hours to job , stay locally all week and travel back to base on a Friday.

The last thing I want to be doing is gathering WTD hours for these guys.

Any views on this appreciated.

It’s an employers responsibility to track an employees working time regardless of where they’re working.

They would be under the normal WTD and not the RT(WT)R and as far as I know there is no legal requirement or reason to keep track of those hours but I might be mistaken … ■■?

The 1998 Working Time regulations have a legal requirement for an average 48 hour week just like the RT(WT)R does, As far as I’m aware it can be opted out of but only with signed agreement by each worker.