Tramping work

Just a quickly I’m looking for tramping work in south yorkshire anyone know of anything I’m currently employed as a night driver on class one just wondering wether to stick to it or move on

Stick to nights mate your lass will only ring you up more nag nag nag nag down phone :laughing:

She does that already :smiley: just tramping is something I want to do again and there is uncertainty at my place at the moment for new year was just seeing if there is anything about

there is uncertainty at a lot of places for the new year :confused:

Yes I know I’m on my way there now

No ones safe anywhere I recommend getting in to fridges people always need food.

Winter 2006/2007 I tried tramping, now I know tramping over here is far different to tramping in the UK, for instance I would drive coast to coast and be gone 3 -4 weeks then have 2 days at home but it nearly destroyed my marriage.
Even now I usually spend mon to fri away and it creates tension with the family.

Traming work is on its way out