Tramping and Staying Fit

Two sets of dumbells (cast iron not plastic as these break) its possible to do biceps/triceps, obliques, quads ,shoulders ect ect. The garden centre tips where anything up to 12t handball is where its at for a serious workout though…

Is there not a series of articles in T&D at the moment designed for trampers?
Demo pics by a fitness expert dressed in lycra and not a bloke!

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Lifting weights isnt fitness it’s cadio working the heart you need to be doing, walking, running, cycling

No time for keeping fit.
Lawns want mowing,hedge wants cutting,magnolia tree needs pruning,2x camellia bushes need trimming.
Car needs washing…bike needs washing…finish jet washing the yard.
Need to go fishing,need to drink some beer…
Been to tip,this morning…made shepherds pie…fish tank maintenance.
Done a thousand miles on the bike this weekend
It never ends.

I have a TRX suspension trainer, hook on to back of trailer and jobs a good ‘un,